Chapter 5

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Jane pov...

It been four weeks since Hoyt, I am not allowed back at work and have to go to physical therapy for my hands and I have to go see a therapist soon to be cleared for when I go back to work. They might let me go back in two weeks and then it is only desk duty. My hands still hurt to move but I do as much as I can as I don't want it to stop me. Ma makes breakfast before her and Maura leave to go to work. I normally just watch tv so I start walking to the couch when I feel like throwing up so I run to the bathroom. I throw up for 15 minutes and wonder why I am sick when I remember I never told anyone what happened that day with Hoyt there was no need Hoyt was dead so I didn't have to make a statement, I was going to but never got round to it. That means no one knew he raped me, I hid it well from everyone but could I really be pregnant with his child and if I am what am I going to do.

I leave Maura's and go buy three pregnancy tests to check, I go to my house and take this tests. All three come back positive.
I don't know what to do now. I sit on my bed and fall asleep, I wake up to my phone ringing and it's Maura wanting to know where I am as she came home to have lunch with me. I tell her "sorry I went back to my apartment and I fell asleep, I didn't know it was lunch already. I will leave now and come to your house".

I leave and head to Maura's where we have lunch as don't talk about much, she says some random facts that she knows. She leaves having to go back to work.

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