Chapter 18

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Jane pov...

I'm 36 weeks now and have had a month off work since I was made to go on maternity leave. I'm sitting on the couch watching another movie for something to do as I woke up early. I came home last night after the guys fell asleep at Maura's when we were playing games, watching tv and talking. Ma went to her house which was right outside as she lives in what's known as her guest house.
I went home as I wanted some new clothes and didn't want to wake them up.
After a bit I get a pain in my stomach which I think is kicking but it gets stronger and I'm not sure what it is but it could be labor or false labor. I don't want to call Maura and wake her so I go into hospital to check.

A doctor checks me over and says "you are in labor and it seems you are quite far along, it shouldn't be too long before you meet your child.
I get distracted by pain and it doesn't take long before I have to push. I hear a cry and the doctor says "congratulations you have a healthy little girl"
They clean her and I get to hold her. She is dressed and wrapped in a white blanket. A nurse brings in a crib for me to put Jordan in and says "you did really well for your first baby"
I say "thank you"
She nods and says "just call for a nurse if you need anything"
I smile and say "I will"

I call Maura and say "can you come to the hospital please?".
Maura says "I'll be there soon, do you want me to bring the guy sand Angela?"
Jane says "yeah get them, it means I don't have to call them all"
Maura asks "is everything okay?"
I say "yeah"

There is a knock on the door and a nurse asks "are you up for visitors, a group of people are here for you"
I nod and say "yeah, can you get Maura in first please"
Maura walks in and over to me, she asks "what's going on Jane?"
I smile and say "I wanted you to be first to meet your godchild"
She smiles and asks "you want me to be the godmother"
Jane nods and says "of course"
I pick up Jordan and pass her to Maura and say "meet my daughter Jordan Dorthea Rizzoli"
She says "she's beautiful Jane and you named her after me"
I nod and say "you're my best friend of course I would"
She says "you might want to let the others in, they only know you are in hospital not why"
I laugh and say "it's a good surprise"
I get up and say "let's go get them"
We walk out to the waiting area where Ma, Frankie, Korsak and Frost are waiting. Maura is behind me with Jordan so they don't see them yet.
Ma looks at me in the hospital gown and asks "what happened Janie?"
Frankie asks "is Jordan okay?"
I nod and say "she's perfect"
Korsak asks "she?"
I step to the side so they can see Maura with Jordan and they all smile.
We all head back to my room and everyone takes turns holding Jordan. Ma asks "why didn't you call sooner?"
I say "well I started getting pains that were stronger than kicks and didn't want to wake you up so I came here and it turned out I was in labor, it took less than an hour before she was born. I didn't really get any time to call as everything happened so fast"
Korsak says "she's adorable Jane congratulations"
We talk for a little more before Jordan starts crying, I get passed her and know she is probably hungry.
Korsak says "we will let you deal with Jordan and have a rest, we will she you later Jane"
I nod and the guys and Ma leaves, Maura asks "do you mind if I stay?"
I shake my head and say "no of course not, I want you to stay"

Authors note...
I think this story will come to an end soon as I have run out of ideas.
It might take a few weeks because I have lots on at school and then am going away for a week without internet so I probably can't post.

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