Chapter 11

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Frankie pov...

Jane comes back to work today, it has been over two months since Hoyt and she is finally allowed to return. Only a few of us know about the baby as we haven't told anyone else.

She walks in and says hi before sitting down at her desk. I know she looks fine but I want to know what is going on in her head, is she alright?
I know she doesn't like to talk to people about her problems, she will sometimes so if she needs to I hope she talks to us.

After an hour of paperwork we get a call about a new case. Frost, Korsak and I will be going to the scene and Jane has to stay here as Cavanaugh's orders are Jane is on desk duty. I know Jane would rather be in the field but desk duty is safer for her.

I go to the scene and the vic was shot in the head and a gun was left next to the vic.
Maura will find out more back at the lab and can test the gun for fingerprints and see if the gun matches what was used to kill the vic.

When we get back Jane goes down to see Maura and gets the information. When Jane gets back she tells us the victim was 24 year old Kathryn Mills and the gun left at the scene was what killed her. The gun had fingerprints on it and on the trigger. We got a match and the prints are a match to Aston Marks.

Frost and I head to his apartment and he is there. We arrest him and bring him I for interrogation where he confesses to murder as they were together and Aston proposed and Kathryn said no so he killed her as if he couldn't have her no one else could.
He is sent to booking and we finish the paperwork for the case before Korsak, Frost, Jane, Maura and I go the the Dirty Robber for dinner.

Jane's nightmare ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora