Chapter 3

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Jane pov...
I wake up lying on the floor I look around I am in an abandoned building. I am about to get up when Hoyt walks back in, he says "it's good to see you awake now Janie, you still smell the same lavender and fear"
I go to stand up but the drug he gave me hasn't worn off yet and I can't move my arms or legs. He laughs and I ask "what do you want?"
He smiles and says "you Janie, I always finish what I start but with you I was stopped but don't worry no one can stop me this time"
I don't know what he is going to do and he says "it's a shame, you aren't in a relationship so I can't make them watch but it still be just as good"
I know what is about to happen as its his MO, rape the wife while the husband watching then kill them. I am glad that I don't have a relationship so no one watches what I know is about to happen.

He pulls down he pants and he climbs on top of me, I go to move but I am still too weak and can't. He pulls down my pants and rapes me then pulls my pants back up, when he is done he walks away and  when he gets back he puts scalpels in my hands again right on the scars pinning me to the floor. I think about how hard it will be for them to heal again. He turns around and I try to move and this time I can as the drug has worn out, I lift my hands as hard as I can. They hurt so much but I have to get out of this. I manage to lift my hands and I pull the scalpels out I am crying and screaming in my head but not out loud as I don't want him to hear. I stand up and he turns around so I shove one of the scalpels into his chest, he falls to the ground and he holds down on where I stabbed him but it's not enough as the blood comes out of his chest and I know he is about to die.
I leave him and go out the door to another room where my gun and phone are on the table, I pick the phone up the battery had been pulled out so I put it back in and call Maura. She answers straight away and I tell her "Hoyts dead"
I can hear her walking and the sounds of lots of people when I hear her tell Frost "Jane's on her phone and Hoyts dead"
I hear Frost say "tracking the phone now"
Maura says to me "we got the location we will be there soon"

I go check on Hoyt and he is definitely dead now, I go back to the other room and sit down and sigh with relief, the nightmare of Hoyt is over now, he can't ever hurt me again.

After a while I hear other people and Maura rushes in and hugs me, she says "are you alright?"
I say "my hands hurt like hell"
She sees them and says "sorry Jane, let's get you to hospital"
I nod and Frost walks over and says "well done Jane, you survived and Hoyt is dead"
I walk out and get in Maura's car and she drives me to hospital. They work on my hands in surgery and I know the long process. I will struggle to move my hands and they will hurt a lot.
I stay in hospital for two days and it is great as they have strong painkillers so my hands don't hurt that much, they are bandaged up again so I can't use them properly. I get released and Maura signs my forms as I can't. She drives me to her house and I know people will be waiting as I didn't want them to see me in hospital.

I walk in the door and Ma comes over and hugs me, she says "I'm glad you are safe"
I nod and Frankie hugs me and says "glad your ok sis"
Frost and Korsak just smile, they all know I don't want to talk about what happened so we talk about anything else. The guys leave and then Ma goes home. Maura says "the guest room is all set up"
I say "thanks" and go to the room where I get changed into more comfortable clothes and I lie down in bed and go to sleep it was only 8pm but I was really tired.

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