Chapter 19

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Jane pov...

I spent four days in hospital so far. The doctors have checked both Jordan and I and we are both healthy.
It's been nice to have help from the nurses if I need it but I'm starting to get restless as I'm not used to doing nothing. My doctor walks in and asks "how would the new mum and daughter feel about going home soon?"
I smile and ask "today?"
She laughs and says "if you feel up to going home today, you are able to if you want"
I nod and she smiles before saying "okay, I will get you the discharge papers to fill out".
She leaves and comes back a few minutes later with the forms to fill out. I complete the forms and hand them back. She smiles and says "I'll be back soon, I need to file these and then I will escort you out"
I smile and say "thank you"
She nods and says "you're welcome Jane"

After she leaves I pack my stuff into my bag and I put Jordan in her car seat. There is a knock on the door and Maura walks in, she looks at my stuff and asks "are you leaving?"
I nod and say "I've been discharged, I was going to make it a surprise for all of you"
She smiles and says "I stopped that surprise"
I laugh and say "we can still surprise the others"
She nods and says "I can drive you home if you want"
I nod and say "thanks, I was just going to take a taxi home seeing my car is still at home"

My doctor comes back in and asks "ready to go Jane?"
I nod, Maura grabs my bag and I pick up Jordan. A nurse pushes in a wheelchair, I shake my head and the doctor says "sorry but it's protocol, all patients must be taken to the exit in a wheelchair"
I sit down and we leave. I get up and Maura helps to Jordan's carseat buckled in properly before we leave. We head to BPD first as Ma and the guys will be at work.

We go to the cafe straight away as Ma is working there and it's on the way in. Maura and I sit down and I place Jordan in her car seat on the table. Ma sees us and come straight over, she asks "how is my granddaughter doing today"
I say "she's good, looking forward to going home"
Ma smiles and says "I bet you are too"
I nod and Ma talks for a few minutes before she has to go back to work, she promises to come over to see us tonight.

Maura and I head up to the bullpen and walk in, the guys are all talking so they don't see me arrive. Maura is carrying Jordan and we walk over to them and say "surprise"
They all smile and take turns to hold Jordan again, Cavanaugh walks over and asks to hold her. He gets to have a cuddle with Jordan and asks "how's motherhood so far?"
I say "it's great, Jordan's adorable.  I know it's going to get harder but it's worth it".
He nods and says "I'm glad and I'm sure you will have lots of support from your family here"
I nod and say "definitely, I'm so glad to have them around"

Authors note...
Here we are, sorry for the long wait but as everyone knows life can get really busy. I'm currently typing this while on a plane which gave me some time. I hope it's alright.

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