Chapter 2

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Maura pov...

I get back to the station and park my car and look around, I don't see Jane around so I wait for ten minutes to see if she shows up when she doesn't I get back in my car and drive back to her apartment.
Her car is still there but I don't see her, I go up to her apartment and no one is there.

I call Korsak and tell him "Jane's gone"
He says "what?"
I say "get to Jane's apartment"
He and Frost arrive quickly and I tell them "Jane was here and we were going back to the station but Jane didn't get there I waited and then came here, her car is still here but she isn't"
Korsak says "we will find her" and starts to look around. I say "it's my fault"
Frost says "don't say that"
I say "it's true, she told me Hoyt was back and then I left her alone"
He says "you could have been taken too if you were here and thanks to you we know she's gone as can start looking, if you weren't here we wouldn't even know she was gone"
Korsak comes back and says "Hoyt took Jane just as she was about to get in her car"

We head back to the station and I go see Angela who is talking to Frankie, they need to know so I tell them "I'm sorry to say this but Hoyts back and has Jane"
It is silent before Frankie says "Ma I'm going to help look for her, you can come up to know any information we find out"
Angela nods and they go up and I go down to the morgue to see if the bodies of the victims this morning can tell me anything as I don't know what else to do.

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