Chapter 13

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Jane pov...

After work I go straight home and Ma is already on the couch. I put down my keys and the door opens and Frankie, Frost, Maura and Korsak all walk in.
I smile at them and say "I have something to show you"
I walk to the door of my baby's room, I put in the key and unlock it. Before I can open the door Frankie asks "why is your office locked?"
I laugh but don't reply, I open the door and walk in and the others follow me in. They look around and Ma says "I love it"
Maura says "this is amazing Jane"
Frost asks "when was this done?"
I say "during the five days before I could start work"
Frankie asks "did you do all of it by yourself?"
I say "mostly, I had a friend help to set up everything in the room but I did all the painting"
Maura says "the painting is really good"
Korsak says "I like the name Jordan"
I say "thanks"
Frankie asks "when did you come up with the name?"
I shrug and say "I have liked the name since I was little and thought it would be good for my baby"
Frost asks "do you know the gender yet?"
I say "no, I can't find out for another four weeks but I am thinking about keeping it a surprise"

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