Chapter 6

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Jane pov...

It's been four weeks since I found out I was pregnant, I haven't told anyone yet. I managed to hide the morning sickness as I get it once everyone has left for work. It's getting worse and I don't want anyone to find out yet so I am moving back to my apartment.
It's been great staying at Maura's as everyone helped me a lot, my hands still hurt but the my are getting better and I have more moment it them now so I feel that I can move out and I will be fine, I am ready now to leave here and go home.

I pack some of my stuff in my bag I will leave the rest here as I always keep some stuff here. I put my bag in my car ready to go after dinner.
At dinner it is Maura, Korsak, Frost, Frankie, Ma and I. We finish eating and clean up and talk about anything before the guys leave and I leave.

I go home and tidy my apartment a little bit before I sit down on the couch and watch tv and fall asleep. I wake up from a nightmare where my baby was born and was a boy who grew up to be just like Hoyt.
I think can I really do this, be a solo mom and when they grow up and ask about there father I will have to tell them about Hoyt and I killed him.
What will everyone say when they find out? I fall asleep with all these thoughts rolling around in my head.
I wake up in the morning and I know that I should tell someone about being pregnant but I am worried about what they will say and once they find out about everything about did will they think of me differently.
I will tell someone soon I just don't know how.
Today I have a scan to check on my baby. I go to hospital but I picked one that no one would know me at. They run a few tests and do an ultrasound to see the baby and the doctor says my baby is perfectly healthy. I get a copy of the scan and I leave and see a baby store on the way home so I stop and have a look around. I see so much that I will have to buy like a crib, highchair, changing table, car seat clothes and lots more. I look around at the clothes they are so cute, a store worker comes over, I look at her name tag and it her name is Kate and asks "can I help you will anything?"
I say "no thank you, I'm just looking around"
She asks "who are you looking for?"
I smile and say "myself, I'm eight weeks so I was just looking at what I need"
She says "congratulations, I work here most days so come back anytime and I can help you out with whatever you need"
I nod and say "thank you, I will"
I drive home and put the copy of the scan in a drawer in the kitchen so no one will see it.
I go to sit down on the couch when I get a call from Cavanaugh saying he wants to see me.

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