Chapter 28 - Stop Running Away

Start from the beginning

I beam at him. "I love him! He's just like how I imagined a prince to look like in my head." Then I smile and point to the dark-haired boy with steel eyes in the photo. "What's his name, Daddy?"

Dad smirks and kisses my forehead, caressing my cheek with his thumb. "His name is Law, princess. Law Riverio Valenti."


I gaze down at my father's brand new grave under the full moon light. After his tombstone had been vandalized, Noah and Jack relocated his grave somewhere else- somewhere more private and personal. 

I blink back at the engravings on his tombstone, his name standing out. I smirk- even in death, he still loves to have his name standing out. Obnoxious guy. I sigh and ruffle my hair, wondering why the memory from back then suddenly made an appearance. I figured it meant something which was why I was now in front of Dad's grave in the middle of the night. And when I got here, I finally realized something. I chuckle to myself at the thought. 

Of course Dad would want to know of the latest news in my love life.

I plop myself down on the grass and place the bottle of wine I had brought with me in front of his tombstone. Knowing my father, he prefers a strong bottle of liquor instead of sappy flowers. 

"Hey, Dad." I say, a smile etching itself onto my lips. My heart clenches at how nostalgic calling my father felt- I miss saying it. "Its been a while although I literally just visited you last week." I chuckle to myself. "How have you been holding up? Bet you're having fun with Mom up there- or down there based on how you used to swear and curse that you're going to get sent down to Hell." I reminisce the memory of how Dad used to joke and swear about going to hell and how he'd like to brawl with the Devil- the winner becomes the ruler. 

Even in the afterlife, he wants to conquer- he's really something else. 

"If its me, I have some really exciting news. I have a boyfriend now." I grin and cross my arms. "And not just any boyfriend- its the prince charming you chose and arranged for me back then. Remember, Law Valenti?" I take out my phone and scroll through it for a few moments before showing the screen at the tombstone. "This is him now. Turned out to be a drool-worthy stud and charming heartbreaker- like he's sex on legs with a Greek god being the one sculpting his body." 

I pause a few moments before chuckling and rolling my eyes. "If you were here now, you would have chased after me and ranted my ears off when you heard what I just said. I bet you're tempted to do just that this very moment. I know how peeved you get when you hear me talking about boys like that but Law's the real deal, Dad. Perfect choice for a prince." I blink back tears that were threatening to spill. "Thanks for tying me to him, Dad. But I don't think we'd last."

I stay quiet, letting my silence do all the talking. Dad has a knack of being able to understand what we're trying to get across even if you don't say anything at all. Dad would know why we won't last long. 

It was silent for quite some time. I let the memories flow through as they please although I used to push them back. But when I feel Dad's presence around me, I tend to relive and relish in them- it makes me feel safe, secure and warm. I don't mind going through the memories when I'm present in front of the person who meant the world to me. 

"Fancy meeting you here."

I smile and scoot over a bit, giving some room for Jack to sit as well- I know its him just by sensing his overwhelming intimidating aura. He just naturally radiate dominating vibes just like Dad and Noah. 

Jack sits beside me and rests a bottle of alcohol in front of him. "Ah man, you already brought one for the bastard. Now, he won't want mine- used to say my choices suck unless he really needs a shot."

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