Wonwoo - Can't Resist

Start from the beginning

The car came to a complete stop next to you and you hopped in.

"Ahh, where do you need to go?" The driver's voice was slightly familiar.

You looked around, "Actually I was wondering if you had a map, you can just start driving forward, though..."

"Right in the pocket in front of you. That's a weird request... I'm not really supposed to do that but I'll make an exception, for you." He started driving immediately, seemingly like he knew where he was going.

Spreading open the map you pulled out, you realized this was going to be quite a task. Any place that was small and secluded would be perfect. Or would a large, busy city work better? Either way, a choice had to be made quickly. There's no way this guy was going to let you ride in his taxi forever.

"Here we are!" He exclaimed, ruining your search.

"Excuse me?" You looked outside to see your home. Wonwoo's home.

The driver turned around and took off his baseball cap, "I'm done with my act, [Y/N]." It's Joshua Hong. "You must think Wonwoo is such a bad guy now. I get it, and I won't disregard your feelings. Wonwoo loves you and he would never hurt you. He's been under a lot of stress lately. He doesn't want to be dealing with this, but Mingyu forced him. Don't blame him."

You sighed deeply, what else was there to do at this point? "How am I supposed to not blame him for breaking all of our stuff?"

"He'll get better, I promise"

"That's a hell of a promise to make, Hong." You raised an eyebrow at him, "I'll tell you what, I'll go inside. You wait here. If anything goes wrong, one of us is leaving this house."

"Deal, but I can't guarantee that I'll drive away," Joshua smirked as you headed out of the car, into the home.

Peaking your head in the door, you noticed everything was fixed. Maybe replaced, but nothing was broken. Except for Wonwoo, who was pacing back and forth in front of your new kitchen table.

The door creaked as you opened it too slowly. Wonwoo rushed over to the door and pulled you in, then closed it.

You held onto him as he held onto you, "Wonwoo, I think we really need to talk about your at-"

"If you ever fucking do that again, I'll lock you in a goddamned dungeon." You couldn't look him in the eye, but you looked everywhere else. The bags under his eyes were as evident as ever, how did you never notice them? His hair was an unbrushed mess and his clothes were only half on. Did one night without you really mess him up this badly?

You worked up your courage and looked into his eyes, "Get out."

"What?" The atmosphere completely changed. His eyes turned soft, like those of a lost puppy. "[Y/N], I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that I... I don't know. I'll go for now. I love you." You watched as Wonwoo walked out of the door, and went into Joshua's car. He didn't drive, of course.

You thought about shouting 'I love you too' out to him, but you didn't wanna break your harsh facade.

Even though you had just gotten a full night of sleep, you decided it was a good time for a nap. Maybe because your back hurt from the bench, or just from the sudden stress. No matter what it was, you passed right out after making it to your bed. It felt cold though.


When you woke up, it felt like you'd been sleeping for an eternity. So much so that you still couldn't get up. You at least had your warmth back.

"Mmm, good morning, sleepyhead." A way too familiar voice said. From that, you realized he was your reason for being bedridden and warm.

"Wonwoo, why are you back?" You replied drowsily, "Let me get up."

He yawned, "I didn't say I was going for long. Plus, I wanna cuddle."

Catching the curse, you yawned as well, "Noo... I'm supposed to be mad right now, you can't be acting like this. This isn't very gang-like of you."

"Who said I have to act like that in front of my princess? Only a complete ass would do such a thing." Wonwoo squeezed you tighter and you gave in.

"Are you calling yourself a complete ass, then? If so, I'll have to at least accept your cuddles." You grabbed hold of his hand that was wrapped around you.

He gave you a small smile, "This can only go five more minutes, though. I've got a man to-"

You interrupted swiftly, "Ah, let's keep the work and home completely separate, like your attitude. Got it?"

Wonwoo let out a small sigh, "If that keeps you around, then sure, got it."

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