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"It's so much easier to write a love story when you're in love,"

"(F/N)?" I lifted my head up, I was just about to fall asleep.

No rest for the weary, wake up.

Ami, where was he? Where was I?

My eyes shot open. Marion was sitting up on my couch and my mom was still passed out.

"Marion," I wondered if he remembered what he'd done while being possessed. I wanted him to, but I didn't want him to pile up any regrets.

"Where did you go?" Of all the things he could've said.

"I had no where else to go, I ran. I'm sorry,"

"You're sorry."

"I am," I made sure to not break eye contact.

"He lied," I knew that was going to shake his world, his confidence, his being. It was all going to change, it was inevitable.

"It seems that way."

And he'd probably blame it all on me.

"Are you okay here?" My eyes widened even more than they already were.

"Yeah, I'm managing."

"Managing sounds better than what's back there," He looked around the room, as if he was studying the place all over again. What did he remember? How long had he been like this? "He called you a monster."

"It's probably the only thing I'm sure of."

"I've got one more thing for you,"

"What's that?"

"I'm going to stay,"


One day of things being slightly normal, one day. Now Marion had reestablished his presence in my life, but when I look at him all I feel is regret.

I don't want to have these feelings anymore, and I don't want to drag Marion into anything.

I knew what he was willing to do without any curse or spell on him.

"What's school like?"

"It's quite interesting, but it's nothing you can't handle." He smiled. I never wanted him to remember, he'd never smile the same.

The moment Marion had accepted that necklace from the pastor he had been under his control. That was a lot of years he couldn't get back.

My mother when she finally awoke had no memory of a flying lizard like creature shouting my name. I was grateful to not have to explain Ami to her or Marion. Marion didn't remember why he hated me, all he knew was that for a while I was an enemy.

An enemy with no wrongs. Thankfully nothing he could dream of would give him Ami.

My mom came down the stairs in business casual.

"Did you two eat?"

"Two bowls of cereal for the both of us." I told her. She nodded satisfied. She fished through her bag checking that she had everything.

"Come on, we've got to get to your school."



"Your parents," He was quiet.

"They didn't love me, not in the way I wanted it to be anyways, not the way it should've been," He never wanted anything beyond simple. I tried recalling his parents, how they backed the pastor relentlessly. Marion was a toy. My heart cracked a little in its armor.

"Once you get in the system you're getting a haircut." My mother told Marion.

"That would be great." As far as anyone was concerned now, Marion was my stepbrother. No one would inquire further. I wouldn't allow it.

He'd be okay with us, that's what I assumed. Alain, Adrien, and Nino would be fine with his presence.

I studied his face, it wasn't like the one of the person he'd once been. But there were definite facial similarities. I prayed that my friends wouldn't attack him. Possessed Marion was older looking, changed, not the same.

This one could still look at me, would never call me names, would never leave me.

We all left the apartment and headed over to the school.

"I've got to go to class, see you guys after school," I said. Marion smiled at me. I leaned towards him. "You really do need a haircut." He started laughing and I felt a sense of relief.

I'd left him there, alone, but he was fine. Even though it was through magic, he was fine.

He's sort of a role model.

"How so?"

He's suffered his share, but he's still okay.

"Why is Marion here?" I jumped at the sound of Adrien's voice. I was about to respond but stopped.

"How do you know his name?" He looked at me blankly.

"Uh, I...guessed?" I gave him a look. He was obviously lying.

"Whatever stalker, hi to you too." I began walking further into school grounds.

"Hey!" He caught up to me and I saw him pouting. "Okay, I heard around that you were hanging out with some guy."

"Yeah. Isn't that so scary?" I asked sarcastically. He gave me a look.

"Yes, yes it is." I laughed but abruptly stopped.

"You're kidding...right?" He let out a grunt of annoyance and started walking off. I caught up to him and grabbed him by the shoulder. "Right?" I further questioned. He kept a stolid face...but soon broke into a grin.

"Of course I am!" I let my shoulders droop.

He's still a nuisance.

"Stressing me out more than I already am," I muttered.

"We never got to go to the amusement park," He said sounding slightly sad.

"Don't worry, I bet the-"

"Thad why I postponed the opening."

"You what?"

"I postponed it, my father was not happy but I told him I really wanted to go to the opening day with a friend who was busy." An amusement park, the thing I'd never been to.

"Can my friend come?"

"A what?"

"A friend, you know what those are."

"Oh yeah, right...friends. Doesn't Alain do stuff on the weekends?"

"No, not Alain. But you're right she does clubs on the weekends. I meant my...uh...stepbrother."

"You have a stepbrother?" He looked at me unconvinced.

"Yeah, it's Marion. My mom won custody and you know it's all mushy legal stuff."

"Okay, your mom got custody of your stepbrother. You want him to come why exactly?" He looked to me holding onto the last word.

"To you know break the ice, make us better friends. You understand right?" He looked at me failing to hide his lack of amusement.

"Yeah, sure." He didn't seem all too excited, but I hadn't talked to Marion for so long. I had to fix that.

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