vingt cinq

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You'd think that it was over when he grabbed her neck. But it wasn't.

The girl fell to the floor unconscious and her blonde friend turned with shock at her blacked out figure.

He turned to the attacker and the man took a fighting stance. The blonde boy did his best but it seemed that his punches were deliberately missing and his kicks were caught.

Suddenly the movie shut off and the whole theater was plunged into darkness, the lights turned on and people were getting up to retreat to the exit. It seemed that the blonde boy had run. And in his place was Chat Noir. He was perched on the edge of the theater. The attacker made a move, but Chat Noir dodged it.

He was fighting him with a determination that was barely detectable behind the mask.

Everyone was gone except five people. The attacker, Chat Noir, the girl who had been choked, and her two friends. They were lifting her up trying to get her to safety.

Chat Noir and the attacker were now at the floor line fighting. The attacker was no amateur, but neither was his opponent.

Chat Noir kicked him to the floor but he jumped up and was ready to fight once more.

They were outside and Chat Noir ran out of the theater in an attempt to escape civilian casualties, or hostages.

Surprisingly the attacker followed and they continued their fight. It was surreal, like a fighting scene in a movie that lasted longer than normal.

Chat Noir didn't look tired, it became obvious as he destroyed things to make them fall on the attacker. He was enraged.

They moved too quickly to be properly observed. But his eyes were alight with anger, what had made him so upset?

They were at a plaza only lit by street lamps. Chat Noir pointed his staff accusingly at the attacker.

"Who are you?"

"Call me Marion." Marion smiled with all his teeth, a disturbed individual. What had he wanted from the girl?

"Okay Marion, choking not okay." His staff extended out violently and rammed itself into Marion's abdomen.

Marion was young, he wasn't going to go down without a fight. He had messy brown hair that had been badly cut, his clothes were nondescript but underneath he seemed strong. Strong enough to have confidence, Chat Noir was only angered further.

Ladybug was no where to be found, this fight wasn't for her it seemed. It was a brawl, a brawl formed from an unknown action.

"Plagg I need your help, got anything?"

"Of course." Chat Noir lowered his fighting stance, he was going to defeat this Marion. Under any circumstances.

He rushed forward, jumped up, and rammed himself feet first into Marion's chest.

The man was thrown back and he hit the cobbled pavement hard. He lifted his head up and Chat Noir saw blood. His eyes widened.

He grabbed Marion by the collar and the two of them disappeared.

"What did you want with that girl?" They were in a disclosed area and Marion was on the floor tied up.

"She's an abomination." Chat Noir looked at the man with disgust.

"And what makes you say that?"

"She has powers, evil, cursed powers! She's a monster." Chat Noir looked at him in anger. He clenched and unclenched his fists. Debating whether to hit the man until he hurt himself.

"This is my city, and I suggest you stay out of it. Don't ever come back." He wanted to further investigate what he meant, the girl had powers?

He was cruel and cold enough to try and take her life. Anything he said should've been treated with caution. Chat Noir was on the edge of killing the man. And that shocked him.

He was willing to kill.

That wasn't who he should've been.

But what had prompted such emotions, such actions.

Chat Noir looked at Marion one last time. The man stared at him with blank eyes. Chat Noir jumped forward and knocked him out. He had to resist taking another punch.

He turned away and walked out, he left Marion to himself. Whoever he was didn't matter, as long as he wasn't seen again.

Chat Noir found himself at the movie theater, the girl who had been strangled was conscious. She sat on the edge of an ambulance being comforted by her friends.

She held an ice pack to her head and he saw even from here slight bruising around her neck.

Chat Noir had a heavy heart. He stared at his ring, he was almost out of time. He had to leave.

Before he did something reckless.

The blonde boy who had fought Marion was seen rushing to the girl who had been choked. Police were at the scene and were coming to talk to her. She was traumatized, but her tears were already spent.

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