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What good will come of this?

"I don't know."

Ami was in my purse as usual, and as always being a pain to society as well.

We should try saving the world sometime, that's a good hobby.

"Ami for the last time I'm not needed here."

Then why am I here?

"I honestly don't know. You can leave if you want."

That's not how it works...

"Well I'm sorry." I was heading toward the library with a dismal attitude. A theoretical grey cloud hovering above my head.

Maybe we'll become friends.

But I doubted it.

I walked up the steps and entered the huge library. The musty smell of books was all I detected. Maybe in some twisted way I'd find peace.

"You!!" I looked around, then it hit me cold. He'd never asked for my name. Real classy. He was on the second floor directly above a very ticked off librarian.

"Come up here!"

"Be quiet!!" The librarian cut in. He looked down at her and gave her a smile of apology. I rolled my eyes. I climbed the stairs at a snail's pace. I didn't find this an urgent matter.

He was seated near a window. He seemed to be fidgeting in his seat. What a child.

I sat down next to him and pulled out my homework.

"Hey..." I hoped he'd ask for my name.

"Yeah?" I looked up.

"Can you help me with this?" He pointed at a math equation.

"Sure." I directed him through it in a matter a minutes. I went back to my work. I didn't mind us not talking, I needed to finish my work.

I heard a huge slam as if something heavy had fallen. I looked around only to rest my eyes on Adrien. He had slammed his head on the table. Did he always fall asleep like that?

"Adrien?" I asked.

"I have another very important question..."

"Sure, what's that?" I asked.

"I almost forgot but what's your-" He was interrupted by a scream. It was coming from inside the library. Then others began screaming, and suddenly a table flew up to the second floor. And it was heading straight for us.

This city was cursed.

I jumped to the right and Adrien went to the left. The table collided with the window, the glass seemed to shatter in slow motion. The shards moving as if underwater. I felt myself slowly suffocate.

Then I sneezed.

"Bless you." That masked boy. He portrayed himself as a cat. I realized why I had sneezed. He held out a hand. I took it even though I felt alarms going off in my head and also literally.

"Thank you." The chaos around didn't seem to nerve him. He bowed.

"I've got to go, but I hope we meet again." He smiled warmly. I nodded and then he turned jumping off the devastated balcony.

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