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I don't consider myself to have the best of luck.

But somehow I pulled through.

I had shining moments in my life. Well they seemed like that.

But this wasn't one of them. I slowly slunk back in my seat. The teacher had now turned back and I hid behind a students head.

Hopefully he won't notice.

Luckily Adrien hadn't.

You should let me handle it.


The last time I followed his advice I had to move here.

Just because that happened last time doesn't mean it'll happen again! I want action!

"And you'll get it in the form of test-taking." Ami didn't say another word. Was he a blessing, or a curse?

I think my existence is a curse. It's caused so much issues, so many controversies, head pounding complications.

Where could I find peace?

The bell rang and instead of going down like the rest of the kids I began heading for the door.

"Hey! You need to take a worksheet!" It was Adrien. He had somehow caught up to where I was. He held a worksheet in his hands. "Don't want to get in trouble." He said. He had it outstretched. I snatched it and began to move, someone grabbed my shoulder. They turned me around. "You know, you're supposed to say-" His eyes widened. Had he recognized me? "thank you...uh may I ask your name?"

"No." I turned around and dropped the sheet of paper. I had to get out of there. If he knew it was me it was over. How would I avoid him. I had my next class with him, for real. I couldn't hide. Alain was in that class as well. I began to speed-walk. It was all I could manage in the shoes I had on.

Almost there, I was heading straight for the bathroom.

I needed to see if I could change my appearance. Become more unrecognizable.

"Wait up!" Does he chase after everyone? Or does he know it's me? He's going to catch me and reveal Ami.




I tripped on my shoes, I had tried taking off in a run. A shoe fell off one foot. I didn't bother picking it up.

Get out!

You're a calamity.

I can't be here if he catches me. I'll never be okay. I'll never be safe.

And it's all his fault.

Him and most likely his big mouth. I could run faster and it was enough and instead of a bathroom I ran home.

I couldn't stay there.

Alain would send me the homework.

But I couldn't see his face. I couldn't face the person who'd tell the truth.

The horrible ugly truth.


My mother was a witness to the atrocities that had terrorized me before.

But I had never told her why.

No one knew. It seemed better to keep it that way.

But the one time I decided to help, the time I let Ami be my guide. It erupted into flames. It backfired horrendously.

It burned me, and the fire was starting again.

She said if I felt alone or like 'before' that she'd be fine with me skipping school.

I had never used my special pass until today.

I might as well start packing my bags.

The dress and one shoe I had were remnants from the city that burned. The city that would hurt me.

I threw them aside and rather than sort the issue at hand...I let Ami out and began the homework I had.

"Why are you doing homework?" He asked, now that he was free he no longer spoke in my head.

"I don't know." But the work was pain, and pain like this was better than what was to come.

My mother said picking a place close to the school would be good for me. But as I watched for only a few seconds I saw all the kids leave.

I'd missed two classes.


And I'd miss a life in the city of Paris. At least tomorrow.

Maybe they'll come at night, like they almost once did. Banging on the door, accusing me of being a demon. A sort of curse or bad luck.

They wanted to banish me, but we left before they could put me on 'trial'.

Ami said they didn't understand what I was. Who did?

I once tried pushing it away, claiming it to be teenager problems that don't concern others.

And it still seems that way.

My problem. My solution.

I looked outside the window facing the school. A black limo was temporarily parked in the front. I saw Adrien.

He probably told everyone in his last two classes.

I hated him.

I hated myself.

I couldn't forgive myself, friends? What kind of fanatical notion was that?

The pursuit of friendship is for normal people.

That's what they said.

Not for freaks like you.

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