❤Chapter Twenty Six- Part Two❤

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Chapter Twenty Six- Part Two

Naomi P.O.V

For Freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. 

Galatians 5:1

"I could've saved her, Leroy. This is all of my fault."

"Open your eyes." He says suddenly. 

I open them and look into his, tears rushing down my cheeks. 

"It isn't your fault."

"You don't even know what happened!" 

"I don't have to! I know it's not your fault, Naomi!"

"I told her! I told her what my dad did to me! It's my fault! He told me not to tell anyone, and I did! I told! I freaking told and now she's dead. He killed her because of me! She's never coming back! She's--" I snuggle into his arms, unable to finish, sobbing violently. 

"Baby, it will never be your fault! Do you hear me? It is not your fault!" He says, taking me by my shoulders. 

I look at him, and notice that he's crying too. 

"Leroy! It is! My dad started abusing me when I turned three! He beat me so, so bad! He told me if I ever told my mom, one of us would suffer. I assumed it would be me to suffer. One day, I came home late, this is when I was seven. He was angry and accused me of sleeping with boys. I didn't even know what that meant! When he'd said sleeping with boys, I thought he literally meant, sleeping with boys. 

"I'd never done either! He smacked me multiple times and took me to the basement. He hit me multiple times with a metal bat and broke my arm and nearly broke my leg. I'd screamed for my mom, but she wasn't home. He smoked a lot, and that day, he decided to place his cigar on my back, which left terrible marks. After he left me alone, I laid in the middle of the basement floor, crying. I cried so hard, Leroy. 

"My dad must have left the house, after that. My mom came in and heard me crying." I stop and take a deep breath, tears sliding down my face. 

"She scooped me up in her arms, looking at me in horror. She begged me to tell her what happened, and I finally told, not caring if I died or lived. I told her the threat he'd made if I ever told her. She began to cry. She told me that we were going to leave. 

"She sat me back down on the floor and I winced. She looked at my arm and realized it was broken. She immediately called 911, and brought me upstairs to the couch. I laid there, as she ran upstairs. We were going to run! Go somewhere my father wasn't!

"He came back, early. He saw me on the couch and scowled. "What are you doing up here?" He'd roared. I didn't reply, and he heard my mom upstairs. He beat her when he noticed she was going to leave. 'I'll be back' is what he said, before leaving. We should have ran then, forgot the clothes. 

"My mom rushed down the stairs, her face bruised, and begged me to come on. I struggled to get up, because of how bad my father had beat me. I wish I'd gotten up, maybe forced myself. 

"She helped me, which probably bought my father more time, to come get me. When she finally helped me, I was on her back. She held two bags in her hand, for escape. We got outside, and my mother froze, setting me down. There my father stood, in the yard, with an AK47 in one hand, pistol in the other. 

"'Naomi, go through the back door!' my mom'd said, trying to push me behind her. I couldn't move, I was paralyzed by fear. My father shook his head at my mom and I."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, remembering the entire scene.

"Dan! Dan please don't do this!" My mother cried, trying to push me behind her. 

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