❤Chapter Nineteen❤

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Chapter Nineteen.

Leroy P.O.V

"Do you like history? I like history. I also like science, math, history-oh wait! I already said history. I also like English. I used to play volleyball but you know I got old. Did you know I used to work at Taco Bell before I became a barista? Hard to believe, I know. How about Chipotle? I love Chipotle! It's like my favorite restaurant. How about Applebee-" 

"Naomi." I say, stopping her rant that had been going on for about thirty minutes now.

She looks up at me, innocently. "Yes, Leroy?" 

"You still haven't answered my question.." 

"What question?" I sigh, resting my face in my hands.

"OH! That question! I'm sorry."

"It's okay. That was pretty entertaining. You can finish but you should answer my question first."

She sighs. "Alright. I don't think it's a good idea."


"Firstly, he already knows where we live. So, what's the point of me coming here?"

"I will make sure he doesn't hurt you."

"Leroy. Like I said before, you can't watch me forever. He could come while I'm at work, he could come at any time. I think we should just take this to the police and see what they say." She replies, coughing into her arm. 

I nod. "Well, okay." I say, looking down.

"You want me to stay, don't you?" She says, smirking.

I look up. "What? No. I mean yes but only to protect you. In a friendly way, not a boyfriend way."

Her smile falters a bit, and she nods. She brushes a few strands of hair behind her face and looks away. 

"If it means keeping me safe, I'll stay for a while."


"Yes, really. I'll need to go home and grab a few things."

I smile, realizing I did want her to stay. "Alright. Let's go."

~♥ ♥ ♥~

After stopping at Naomi's and letting her get some stuff she'd need during the stay, we stopped at the grocery store. 

Naomi walks in, grabbing a cart and starts push it. "I can do that." I say, grabbing for the cart. 

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