❤Chapter Twenty Six-Part One❤

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Chapter Twenty Six-Part One

Naomi P.O.V

Goosebumps spread over my arms as I hugged myself. Leroy went in the store, asked if I'd wanted to come. I said no, I didn't want to go inside. He seemed relieved that I hadn't wanted to go in with him--which was weird, but whatever. My main focus was not crying in front of him. I would not cry!

I'd been sitting out here in the car for about ten minutes now and I couldn't help but get annoyed. What was taking him so long? He did understand that I didn't want to be outside around people today, right? No, because I couldn't tell him. I didn't have the heart to break his, even if mines was already broken from the never ending memories.

Biting my lip, I fight the tears that threaten to spill down my now pale cheeks. The sound of the trunk startles me. The car door swings open, causing me to shiver and pull the sleeves of my coat further down. "You alright?" Leroy says, sitting in his seat and turning the car on. A sigh escapes from my dry lips.

"Fine." I mutter. "Do you happen to have any carmex on you?"

He nods, pulling out a tube and tossing it to me. I thank him and put the carmex on, setting it in the glove department. In the corner of my eye, I catch Leroy smiling at me. I don't smile back--I couldn't. Goodness. It felt as if every move I made, I'd burst into tears. I really need to pull myself together before that happens. That can not happen. Closing my eyes, I lean against the seat and try to lose myself into the music as the car begins to move.

Maybe if I lost myself in the music, I'd forget the fact that today was my birthday.

Nope. Not helping. I open my eyes and glance at Leroy, who'd turned his attention back to the snowy road.

Clearing my throat, I realize how thirsty I really am, but I don't complain. "Um," I say, causing him to glance at me for a moment, then back at the road.

"Where are we going?" I ask, my voice terribly cracking I do so.

"That, Naomi, is a secret." He replies. I clear my throat once again and roll my eyes. Naomi? What about Muffin? I shook the thought away and bit my lips.

"And, actually," He continues.

"I'll need to blindfold you when we start to get close." My heart dropped. No. Not a surprise. He can't possibly be planning to surprise me. I am certainly in no condition to be surprised. I shake my head. I should be home right now. Drinking tea and crying, looking at pictures at my mom and I.


"Why not?" He says, his eyebrow raising.

"I don't want to be blindfolded Lero--Red light..." The car stops and he gives me a look of disbelief.

"Naomi, please." He says. I sigh.

"How long will this be?"

"Five hours at the longest."

"Please tell me what this is all about."

He shakes his head as the car begins to move again.

"No, Naomi. I can't tell you yet. You will find out when you get there."

Now it's me shaking my head. How would I be able to control my emotions for five hours?!

I shoot him a glare before turning in my seat and crossing my arms. You can do this. You can do this.


"I'm not putting that on."

"Come on, Muffin!"

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