❤Chapter Seven❤

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Chapter Seven

Leroy's POV

I smiled at Naomi before walking away. She a really cool person and I think we could be really good friends. I look at the sky, sighing in relief. No more rain. Although, that doesn't change the fact that I'm soaking. As I'm walking home, I pass Ruth's house. She's sitting next to a guy I recognize from highschool. I smile and wave, but she repeats the same thing she did last time, turns as if she doesn't see me. "Leroy! My man!" Jonathan says, moving away from her and coming towards me. "John!" I say, although I'm not as enthusiastic as he is. In highschool, it was always Jonathan's goal to steal Ruth away from me. I should have noticed it before. Anytime he'd come around, Ruth would smile and would giggle a lot. Maybe she was cheating on me with him, I don't know. But it doesn't matter anymore, she's clearly over me. I just wish I was over her. I wish it was that easy, at the snap of a finger, to lose feelings for her. It's not. "How you been man?" He asks, smirking. "I've been great! How have you been?" He coughed. "I've been good. Been with my girl a lot as you can see." He says looking at Ruth. She's still turned the other way, pretending to be very interested in her flower pot. I nod. "That's great, bro." I try to walk away, but he lightly grabs my shoulder. I snatch away and glare at him. He backs away and smirks. "My bad, I didn't know you were still pissed at the fact that I took Ruth away from you." I paused. Yeah this was the devil trying to make me angry. I shake my head and smile back. "Have a good day, Jonathan." I walk away, wanting to say more, but I don't. I glance at Ruth, who gives me a sad look before turning her full attention to Jonathan. I honestly can't believe he had the nerve to say something like that. I feel a vibrate on my leg and pull out my phone, a text from Ruth. "I'm sorry for how Jonathan spoke to you, please forgive him.-Ruth at 9:19pm." I sigh and slide the phone back in pocket. 

When I finally get in my apartment, I have the sudden urge to call and check on Naomi. I run up stairs, change my clothes, and collaspe on my bed. I pull out my phone dialing the number Naomi put in. "Hello?" Naomi answers, her voice cracking. "Naomi! Hey are you alright? I keep feeling like something is wrong." There's a couple deep breaths. "I'm fine, Leroy. Don't worry about me. I'm fine." I pause. She's lying. She only repeats herself when she's lying. I think to myself. "Naomi, I'm coming ov-" "NO Leroy! Don't! I'm fine. Please I need my space tonight, okay?" I sigh. "Okay, call me if you need-" CLICK! She hung up. I sigh, what if something is wrong with her? I shake my head and sit on my bed. My phone rings again and before I even look at who's calling I answer. "Naomi! Are you okay?" I hear a couple coughs. "I'm not Naomi, I'm yo mama!" My mother says, chuckling. I chuckle and run my fingers through my hair. "Mom, hi. How are you?" She sighs. "I would be fine if your father would be more supportive here! I told him I was pregnant and he got really angry and left. When he came back, he yelled at me saying I should have been more smart. He said that I am dumb for wanting to have another child. We got in a big arguement, Leroy." She pauses and sighs. "He said...he said....he's going to leave me if I don't get an abortion." I freeze and then look at the phone. This would not be the first time my father has done this. When I was thirteen, I had just came home from a football game at my school. My mom and dad were in the living room arguing. "Go upstairs and close the door, sweetie." My mom had said, a cigar hanging from her mouth. I walked upstairs but then stayed on top, where they couldn't see me. "I told you Carol! I told you we'd have these problems if we brung a child into this world! Now look at you! You're struggling with finances and now you want me to help! ME?! I don't think so! I told you I didn't want another child! I told you to get rid of him, but you didn't listen Carol. You had to bring him into this world! Idiot." My dad yelled, angrily pacing the floor. My dad was a slightly fat man, his hair beginning to gray. My mom sat there in silence, before saying something back to him. "Darren, I asked you for three hundred dollars and you can't even do that for me! I'm your wife! You're supposed to love and take care of me. And how could you say those things about your son!? Are you saying you regret Leroy?!" She asked, her voice rising. He stopped and ran his fingers through his gray hair. "Yes! Yes I do! I regret Leroy! As you can see! Ever since he was born, we argue more than we did before!" "Darren! We argued even before he was born! Stop this foolish talk! You know what? I would say that I regret meeting you but then that would mean I regret giving birth to Leroy! And I don't! I love my son more than anything and I will die for him! He is the best thing that has ever happened to me! Get out of my house Darren! I'll get the money another way!" My dad stopped and looked at her. "You gonna go back to your old ways, huh? Prostitution?" The words stung my mom and I. Tears filled her eyes and she slapped him. "Get out! Get OUT!" My dad stood there as if she didn't speak to him. That's when she took her cigar and smashed it into his cheek. He had screamed in pain and she pushed him out of the house.  I sat there and tears began to fall. I had never seen such violence and I was angry at my father. All of his words were like large knifes being plunged into my heart. I clenched my fists and looked at the spot where my father was once standing. My mom sat there and began sobbing. I knew from that day on, my father and I's relationship would never be the same. His words were true, though. My mom was a prostitute to help get food in the mouths of her siblings. Her mom was sick in bed, and they barely had any money. So my mom became a prostitute. She met my father walking home once. My mom wasn't thinking straight and ended up having sex with him, a man she didn't know. My mom was thirteen years old when she became pregnant with me. My father constantly tried to get in her head and told her he would leave if she gave birth to me. Long story short, she decided she was keeping me and he was not going to change her mind. My grandma died after she found out my mom was pregnant. For a while, my mom and her siblings tried to keep her mother's death a secret. She didn't want them to be taken away. One day, my mom came home and children services was at her home. They had asked my mom how old she was and she told them she was thirteen. They told her that she was going to have to come with them, and so did her brothers and sisters. My mom panicked. She didn't want to go with those people, so she made up a plan in her head. Run away. "Don't give them my name!" She screamed and ran as fast as she could. The workers tried to catch her, but she was just too fast. My father and mother had made this plan a while ago, actually, but never told anyone. My mom ran and met up with my father, who was only fourteen and was driving illegally. She got in the car and they lived in the car for over six months, until they found an apartment. My mom had taken the money, my grandma left for her and her siblings. She used the money for the apartment and baby clothes. My mom and dad really thought they could make it, until child services found them. She was seven months pregnant when she was placed in a foster home. Her foster parents were very abusive and almost made her lose me. She was quickly taken out of the home and placed in another. The woman was mean, but never did she lay a hand on my mom. At nine months, my mom turned fourteen and gave birth to me, all on the same day. My mom had a hard time raising me, especially with a mean foster mom. The woman never spared my mother a dollar, so my mom went back to prostitution for money. When she turned eighteen, she finally made enough money to get us both out of there and moved us into an apartment. It was easy for my mom to find my dad, he was still in town. When he came back, I watched them constantly argue, and it was always over me. My dad got drunk a lot and he would punch large holes into the walls and yell at me. So, I worried if he'd hit my mother, his own wife. "Leroy? Honey are you there?" My mom said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yes mom. May I speak with dad?" She hesitated. "No Leroy. He's drinking. You can speak with him tomorrow. I promise." "But mom I-" "No buts Leroy. I have to go now." I sigh. "Wait mom, have you kept our promise?" She sighed. "Yes, I haven't smoked one cigar. Now I have to go." She hung up. I shook my head. Something just wasn't right about tonight. I walked in my bathroom and took a shower. When I got out, I kneeled down and prayed. "Lord, I ask that You cover and protect Naomi. Please Lord, let her be safe. Lord I ask that You cover my mother and forgive my father for the horrible things he has said against her, and You. Lord please forgive Jonathan for the words he spoke today against me and Lord I ask that You cover and protect Ruth. I ask that Ruth gets a better relationship with You God. In Jesus name I pray, amen." I got in bed and fell asleep almost instantly, for this had been a long day as well.

The next day, my boss calls me and tells me he doesn't want me at work for a while and that I can stay home. He is putting everyone on an early vacation. I find that weird, but I don't say anything. I decide I should call Naomi and check on her. The phone rings twice and then goes to voice mail. I sigh and leave a message saying I'm coming to the coffee shop. I look in the mirror and notice my goatee coming in. I smile in satisfaction and jump in the shower. When i get out, I check my phone to see if Naomi sent me any messages. Nothing. 

I decide to use my car today since yesterday the weather changed. I get in the car and sigh, thinking about what my mom said the other night. It feels as if things are getting bad again. I pray for a moment and try to relax. A knock on my window pulls me out of my deep thoughts. I turn and see a very concerned Lacie, my neighbor. I roll down the window and smile. "You alright hun?" She asked. I nod, although thinking of those memories did make me feel slightly down. "I'm fine, Lacie." She nods. "Well alright. I'm here if you need me. I heard about Ruth breaking things off." I pause. "How did you-" "Never mind that son! Have a great day!" She walks away before I can protest and I sigh. I finally start the car, and drive away.

When I get to the coffee shop, Naomi is at the counter. She's smiling big, but I can tell something's wrong. I walk up to her. "Naomi are you ok-" "I'm fine, Leroy! Don't worry about me." She says, quietly. I look closely at her face and notice a cut above her eyebrow. I also notice she's wearing more makeup than she usually does. I want to say something, but I don't want to upset her. She runs her fingers through her hair and looks at me, a hint of hurt in her eyes. "Leroy, I need some space right now." I look away, realizing that hurt more than it should have. She seems to notice and smiles slightly. "Come to my church on Sunday morning at nine. We'll talk then. I go to the Faith church." She says rubbing the cut above her eyebrow. I nod. "Alright, I'll be there. Please call me if you ever need anything." She smiles, fully this time. "Okay Leroy, bye." I turn away from her, walking out the door. 

Naomi POV Coming right after! :)

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