❤Chapter Four❤

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Chapter four

I don't own the lyrics in this chapter.

Leroy POV 

I woke up the next morning feeling tired. I checked my phone to see that I had a text from Ruth. "Hey did you tell your parents that I dumped you?" I stared at the phone for a moment and then clicked over to the other message. "Sorry I mean did you tell your parents that we are over? And that the wedding is off?" I shook my head. I hadn't really thought about telling my parents. "No, but I am now." I exited the text app and dialed my parent's number. The phone rang for two minutes and then someone finally picked up. "Hello?" My mom answered. "Hi mom, how are you?" She chuckled. "I'm fine, how about you?" I looked down. "I could be better.." She coughed. "Are you okay baby?" "I wasn't, but I am getting better now. Ruth dumped me a couple days ago." She gasped. "Oh, honey. I am so sorry." I shook my head again. "It's fine. I'm finally starting to feel better about it all. Hey, you think you could tell dad for me? I gotta go try to get my job back." She gasped again. "You lost your job? How?" "I kept showing up late. I was so focused on Ruth and everything." She sighed. "Alright honey, I'll tell him. I love you." "I love you too, mom. Have a blessed day." "You too." She hung up and I saw that I had another text. "Alright then. I'll tell my parents that I broke up- that we are not together anymore." I looked at the screen. Why was she telling me? "Okay. Have a Blessed day Ruth." She replied faster than I expected. "Can you not say that?.. Bye Leroy." I shook my head, going to the bathroom, and turning on the shower. After I got out of the shower, I put some gas in my car. On the drive to my old job, I saw the elderly woman at a small house mowing the lawn. I slowed down and pulled in her driveway. She squinted her eyes to see who was here and then smiled. "Hi Leroy!" She pulled me in a hug. "Hi! Um what's your name?" She smiled. "I'm Eleanor Parks." I smiled back and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Eleanor. I have a few questions for you." She turned off the lawnmower and looked at me. "Well go ahead. Would you like some lemonade son?" I shook my head. "No, thank you ma'am." She smiled. "Ok so my question is, how did you know all that stuff about me? About the woman and everything? How did you automatically know my name?" She smiled and looked at me. "Simple God spoke to me, and you had on a name tag." I looked at her, and we both laughed. "Well then, I forgot I had a name tag on that day. God speaking to you pretty much answers all of my questions." "That's good, son. I gotta go now though, it's time for my husband to take his meds. I'll see you soon." She waved and walked in the house. I smiled, getting back in my car, driving back to my old job. 

When I get to my job, everyone looks at me. I sigh, walking to the office ignoring their stares. When I get the office, my boss stops me. I look at him and smile slightly. "Hi, sir." He smiled back. "Hi Leroy! What are ya doing here?" I gulped and looked down. "I..I came to get...my job back. Please sir! I promise I won't be late again!" He stood there looking at me for a while. What if I don't get my job back? I thought to myself. I looked down. "Chin up, son. You got your job back. I'm putting ya on paperwork tomorrow." I looked and smiled. "Thank You God!" I shouted. "Thank you sir! Thank you so much!" He smiled. "You're welcome, boy. Now go enjoy the rest of your day." He coughed once, and then started coughing repeatedly. "Sir! Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded. "Probably from those darn cigarettes." I shook my head. "Sir, you should really stop smoking. It is so bad for you." He nodded. "I know, I know. I am trying to stop." He coughed one more time and then told me he had to go. I nodded and prayed that he would stop smoking. I looked at my watch and decided that since it's still morning, I'll go get some coffee. When I walk in, Naomi is at the register again. She looks more happy than she was before. I smiled slightly at the thought. I walked up to her and looked at the coffee choices. Vanilla Frape, Chocolate Frape etc. etc. I sighed. "Hi Naomi. May I get a vanilla Frape please?" She smiled at me. "Yes you may, hi Leroy." She walked away filling the cup and putting the top on. She sat it on the counter. "That'll be $3.50" I dug in my pockets pulling out three dollars and some change. "Ah, I see the prices have been changed." I said, handing her the money. She grinned. "Yeah, my boss decided that she should go easy on people." "Hmm. I'd say easy is a dollar for coffee." She nodded. "I agree." She handed me back a dime. "That's three sixty, Leroy. I said it was three fifty. Unless you're tipping." She said, batting her eye lashes.  I smiled. "Fine, here's your tip." She took the dime and then pouted. "What?" I asked, grinning at her. "I deserve a much better tip than this." She replied, still pouting. I sighed dramatically and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. "Here you go." I said, chuckling at her reaction when I gave it to her. "I...I was just joking Leroy. Here take your twenty back." I shook my head. "Nope I'm good. Keep it." She smiled. "You sure?" I nodded and she slid the tip in her pocket. I looked around the coffee shop and there was no one in here. "You're all alone?" I asked. She grinned. "Nah, my coworker is in the back." I nodded. "Ah, well I guess I better get going." I grabbed my coffee. "Okay! Bye Leroy!" She waved and I did the same. I walked away and then my side vibrated. I pulled out my phone and read the text. "Hey." It was from Ruth. "Hey Ruth. How are you?" "Good. Um you?" "I'm good. No offense or anything, but...is there anything you wanted or needed?" "No uh, I just was checking on you." "Um...thanks. I have to go." I slid my phone in my pocket and then pulled it out again, we she sent another text. "I found another guy, Leroy..." I closed the phone, finally opening the door and going to my car. I don't understand why she's telling me this. I didn't bother replying. I start the car and my favorite song pops on, Trip Lee ft Lecrae I'm Good. I started dancing in the car. I happened to glance to my side and this little was staring at me like I was crazy. I shrugged at her and started rapping. "My life is hidden in Him, so when I die I gain. And Jesus really be walking with me so how I'm lame?" I finally started moving the car. I looked glanced over again and realized, Naomi is staring at me. She's laughing. I chuckle, wave, and pull away. Kinda embarrassing if I do say so myself. I say to say that usually, it's hard for me to drive past Ruth's house. This time though, I was doing pretty good. I spotted her sitting on her porch, drinking lemonade. Her black hair was blowing in the wind. Her blue eyes locked with mines. I awkwardly smiled and waved at her. She turned away, as if she didn't see me. Alright, that stung. I turned my focus back on the road, picking up my speed alittle. When I get home, my mom's car is in my driveway. I park on the street and get out, walking over to my mother's car. She was sitting in the car listening to music, while smoking a cigarette. I knocked on the window and she jumped. I chuckled and she rolled down the window. "Hi dear." She said smiling. "Hi mom! I wasn't expecting you here today. She smiled sadly. "Yeah, I found out some news today." She said looking down. I motioned for her to come in. She looked at me, hesitantly. She finally agreed, pulling her keys out of her car and following me inside. When we got inside, she looked slightly pale. "Mom! Are you okay?!" I said, rushing over to her. She nodded. "I'm fine, Leroy." She sat on my cream colored couch and looked at me. "Leroy, I don't know how to say this." She said, biting her lips. "Just say it, mom." I said, calmly. She coughed. "Well...I'm pregnant." She said, smiling faintly. I should have been sitting down before getting this information, because I fainted.

I opened my eyes and everything was blurry. "Mom?" I said. "Honey?" She said, rushing to my side. "What happened?" She bit her lip. "Well, I told you I was pregnant..and you fainted." I nodded. "Ah, HOW ARE YOU PREGNANT MOM?" I asked, sitting up. She must have carried me to my room, we were no longer in my living room. She looked at me. "Leroy, do you really want me to go into detail on how I am pregnant? I thought I already explained to you when you were younger, how women got preg-" "Ah, AH! Okay mom. Never mind that. Does dad know?" She looked down to the floor. I'll take that as a no. "Mom you have to tell dad." I said. She nodded. "I know, I know. I'll tell him tomorrow. You are the first to know about this." I smiled slightly. "Well I'm here if you ever need me." She smiled, walking over and hugging me. "Thanks dear." I nodded. "And mom? Please stop smoking. You're pregnant." She nodded. "I know, I know." After our conversation, she stayed over with me for a while. I went in my kitchen and cooked chicken and greens, her favorite. We sat in the front room, watching Law In Order Criminal Intent, while eating. She told me that she would start working on not smoking, so she wouldn't harm the baby. My mind constantly wandered. I wonder if it's a girl! Will I have a little sister? What will her name be? Will I have a little brother? My mom being pregnant wasn't a bad thing at all. She and my father are married. I'm sure things will go well. After hours of time spent with my mom, she hugged me and told me goodbye. I was sad to see her go, but she had to work in the morning. When she got in her car, I rushed over and knocked on the window. She rolled it down and looked at me. "Yes Leroy?" "Mom! I got my job back! I forgot to tell you!" She smiled and squealed! "That's what I'm talking about! High five!" We high fived and then she waved goodbye. "Goodbye mom. I love you!" "Love you too!" She yelled driving away. I walked inside my house, cleaned up the mess my mom and I made, and then went to bed. It has been a long day.

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