❤Chapter Eight❤

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Chapter Eight 

*Naomi POV*

I lay in bed holding the bad of ice to my head. My head is throbbing and my eye hurts more than anything. A hot tear falls from my eye but I quickly wipe it away. Can't cry, must stay strong, I think to myself. This night did not go as planned. I scoot back and lay my head against the board on my bed, remembering the events that had just happened not even two hours earlier. 

"Thanks, Leroy." He smiled. "You're welcome. I'll be calling soon." I nod, smiling back and opening my door. When I close it, I turn around and  gasp. Kevin is sitting on my couch, looking at the TV and then looks at me, coldly. How in the world, did he get in my house? He gets up, flicking off the TV and walks towards me with a rather evil smirk on his lips. This is not gonna be good. He puts his hand on my cheek, caressing it. "Hi Naomi." I look at him, my heart pounding in my chest. "Hello Kevin. How did you get in my house?" He dropped his hand. "Now, is that any way to speak to your boyfriend?" I froze. Boyfriend? He's not my boyfriend! We broke up. Instead of speaking I simply turned my head and looked at the ground, praying this was a dream. But it wasn't a dream. This wasn't a dream at all. He grabbed my arm and brings his mouth closer to mines. "Who's the guy?" Crap, he saw Leroy. "He's just a friend, Kevin. Don't worry about it. Please leave my house now." He smirks. "Leave? I just got here. Now, are you going to tell me the truth about that guy who just walked you home? Or are you going to continue lying to me? I'd much rather prefer the truth, but it's your choice." I swallow and look at him. His breath reeks of alcohol. "I just told you the truth. Now, I'm going to ask you again, to get out of my house." "What are you going to do, Naomi?" Oh no. I didn't fully think this through. What was I going to do? Kick him in his area, run to the kitchen and grab a knife to stab him? Oh no, I couldn't possibly kill him. I'd much rather kick him in his area and then run. "What do you think I'm going to do, Kevin?" I say, kicking him. He groans in pain falling to the ground. I try to run but he jerks his feet forward, causing me to fall and hit my head on the end of the wooden table. I rise up quickly, feeling dizzy from the hit. Kevin slams me against the wall. I'm unable to move, he was stronger than me. All I could think in my head was, 'He's going to kill me.' "You shouldn't have done that, Naomi." I shake my head, trying to squirm out of his grasp. "I'm sorry Kevin!" I scream. He shakes his head. "If I ever catch you with that guy again, I will kill him. Wait, I will assign someone someone to kill him. I know people, Naomi. Oh, and don't even think about telling Margret or Melanie about this, I'll have them killed too. You're mine Naomi and-" I spit in his face, making him release his grasp. He yanks my hair and I stumble backward. He turns me towards him and punches me, knocking me to the ground again. "Do I make myself clear, Naomi?" He said, through clenched teeth. I don't say anything. I'd never been in a situation like this before. He only grins and walks to the fridge, grabbing a Coke before walking out the door. I lay there on the floor, helpless. It was true, he did know people. People that could and would kill Leroy. My only choice is to stay away from Leroy so he doesn't get killed. I slowly walk up the stairs, not even bothering to look at myself in the mirror. I lay on my bed, hugging my pillow, tears falling from my eyes. Suddenly, I get a call. Leroy. "Hello?" I say, my voice cracking. "Naomi! Are you alright? I keep feeling like something is wrong." I sigh. I had to end this call now, until I figure out what to do with Kevin. I tell him I'm fine. He tells me he's coming but I tell him no. He doesn't need to worry. I end the call, hugging the pillow again. I couldn't speak to him, until I figured out what I'd do with Kevin.

I roll over and bite my lip. Kevin had never acted this way before. Why? Why was he doing this? This was never like him. We had always had breakups and maybe I would talk to another guy, but Kevin never cared. Is Kevin coming after me because he knows that Leroy is a better guy than him? I don't know. I honestly don't want to stay away from Leroy, but what other choice do I have? Kevin could kill Leroy and I'd never be able to forgive myself. After all, my mother is dead because of me. I couldn't live with myself if he died. I began to wonder if I have gone through all this because I let my mother die. I could have done more. My phone vibrates on my bedside table and I groan, already knowing who it'd be. Leroy. I don't answer the call and decide to sleep tonight.

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