❤Chapter Twelve❤

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Chapter Twelve 

Leroy P.O.V

I open the door of the fridge, pulling out the root beers my auntie ordered me to get. I set them on the dining room table and sit down, my mind spinning. I pushed all negative thoughts aside, and listened to the soft hum of the fridge, as Kelly finished the finishing touches on the roast. She takes the red checkered oven mitts off, hanging back on the hooks on the walls. She looks at me and frowns. "What's the matter, boy?" She says, taking off her apron. I shake my head. "Nothing Kelly. Just a bit tired." She sets the apron down and looks at me. "How long have I known you?" I frown, looking away, ignoring her question. She places two fingers under my chin and turned my head, so I'm facing her. "How long?" She says. I ignore the roast smell, coming from her hands. I sigh. "Since I was a little child." She nods. "So you really think I'm going to fall for that 'I'm tired' lie? Nah! Tell me what's bugging you Leroy!" I frown and look at the ground. "Naomi's ex boyfriend. He sent me a knife in a box, telling me that's a warning and to stay away from Naomi." She nods. "Did you call the police?" "Yes, which was a waste of my time because they didn't take it seriously. Unless he says in a note that he's going to kill me, they can't arrest him or anything." She nods. "Well, you're a smart boy. He won't hurt you. I don't think he's that stupid." "What about Naomi? I have a feeling he's hit her before, she's just not telling me." I say, quietly so no one can hear. "Hmm, I.. don't..wait! Why don't you just spend more time with her? Or.. I don't know  Leroy. Invite her over or something. Ask her to stay with you, until this all blows over." I shake my head. None of these suggestions were helping. "Thanks, Kelly." She sighs. "I'm sorry boy. I'm out of ideas." I nod. "It's fine." She walks back in the kitchen and sits at the small table in the corner, frowning. I hear the water stop from upstairs, signaling Naomi was done with her shower. I get up to go outside when Kelly's husband, Bill, stops me. "Come here, boy!" They rarely used people's names. If you're younger than them, you get called boy, girl. If you're older, you get called old or old. If they called you by your name, it was serious. I nod and walk over to him, smirking. "Ah, Bill! How are you man!" He smiles. I notice he's missing a tooth. "What do you think from the look of this?" He says, pointing to the spot where the tooth is missing. "What happened Bill?" He chuckles. "Well, these guys came at Kelly in a rude way, calling her out of her name. So I asked them to apologize or I was going to do damage to them. Kellyanne tried to get me to leave, but I wouldn't until they apologized. They punched me hard in the mouth and that's when my tooth fell out. I was angry, so I ended up fighting each and every one of em!" I stare at him, wide eyed. "How many of them were there?" "Five." He says. "Did you win?" He chuckles. "Of course I did! I saved the one who made me lose my tooth, for last." I look at him. "What did you do to him?" He chuckles. "Lets just say, I lost one tooth. He lost several." Now we are both chuckling. "Bill! That's horrible! You never told me it was that bad!" Kelly says, sitting on the couch across from us. "Well, he was rude and disrespectful." She sighs. "I know, but goodness! Several? That poor man!" "Hey! What about this poor man? I lost a tooth." She giggles. "And he lost several, ol' man!" I chuckle again. It was nice being back with old friends. Kelly and Bill were my mom's best friends. She met them when I was five. They'd offered to help her, and she wouldn't let them. Of course, because Bill and Kelly don't take no for an answer, that didn't stop them from helping her. They came one day at her doorstep, with food and water. Two things we didn't have. My mom was grateful, because we were starving. After that, they continued helping us and making sure we were fed until my mom could get back on her feet. We've all been good friends ever since, and to me, they are family. "Step in the dining room for a moment, Kelly!" Bill said, standing up. Kelly grinned. "You don't scare me! You never scared me!" He chuckled. "Go ahead, then. If you are not scared, go in there." She shakes her head. "No! We are not fighting in there! There is food in there! You want to fight, step outside." He hesitated. "Go on, old man. Step outside." He nodded and walked outside, not saying another word. "Uh, oh." She mumbled, quickly going out the door. Just then, Naomi came down the stairs, smiling. Her curly hair was in a wet bun, while she had on a purple shirt with capris. I smile back at her. "You look nice." She blushes. "Thank you." "AAHH!" Naomi and I both run to the front door, to see Bill with a water hose, spraying water all on Kelly. Naomi and I look at each other and chuckle. We go outside and sit on the porch, watching the scene. "Bill Dansby! You better stop right no- AHH!" He sprayed her right in the face. She was now completely soaked. She looked at Naomi and I and frowned. "Ya'll just gonna sit there and watch him do this to me? I outta come over there and smack both of ya! Ya'll better help! I cooked for ya'll!" She yelled. Naomi and I looked at each other. "You go down there first." she whispers. I give her pleading eyes and she shakes her head. I sigh, standing up, and walking down the wooden stairs. "Boy, you best go back and sit down." Bill says smiling. "Come on, Bill. Let the poor woman go. She's goin- AH! HEY!" He turned the hose towards me and got all of my clothes wet. I glance at Naomi, who still looked like she wasn't moving. I was about to walk over to her, when I slipped and fell. The ground was muddy and now, so was I. Naomi started laughing, and laughing, and laughing. I glanced at Kelly who was also muddy, but laughing too. "That's what you get for helping me so late!" She said. I glanced at Naomi. "Oh, you're going to get it." I got up, and started running after her. She almost made it in the house when I grabbed her arm and picked her up. "No! Leroy! Put me down!" She said, while laughing. She pounded my back several times begging for me to put her down. "Okay." I say, putting her in front of me and holding both of her arms. "Hose her down, Bill." Bill chuckled and shook his head. "No, she didn't do anything to me. You're going to have to hose her down yourself."

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