❤Chapter Fifteen❤

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Chapter Fifteen

Leroy P.O.V

One thing I didn't expect to see, is Penelope in the attic, beating Naomi. It was shocking and surprising. But my question is why? Why would she do this to Naomi? I know Naomi has never did anything wrong to her. It seems like Penelope has had it out for Naomi, since she found out she was here. This whole trip has been ruined because of Penelope, and I had a bad feeling about her coming here. I knew there would be trouble. I could have prevented it, but here I am, trying to get Naomi to talk to me. 

Kelly tried to talk to her, but she won't speak. It's like she's in a daze. She keeps looking ahead, not speaking. I've never seen her like this before. I walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her. She tenses up a bit, but then begins to relax. 

"Are you okay?" I ask. She shakes her head, biting her lip. She places a hand on her stomach and winces. "Call 911!" I yell. 

Tears fill her eyes and I can't take it anymore. I can't take seeing her like this, she doesn't deserve this! "How are you feeling? What hurts? Tell me what I can do, to help you." I say, desperate to help her. 

She looks at me, tears in her eyes. "Take me home, please." She whispers. She looks away from me and straight ahead again. She begins to shake in my arms and I don't know what to do. She starts to sob, quietly, and I hold her tightly against my chest. 

"How could you Penelope!?" Kelly screams, making Naomi and I flinch. I look at a very angry and hurt Kelly. Her red hair is everywhere, while her hands were on her hips. Penelope just turns away from her mother's glare and looks at me. I shake my head and turn away, not wanting to look at her. "It's just, I..I..." Penelope says.

"If you lie to me.." Kelly says, her voice dangerously low. "You better tell me the whole truth." Just then, Bill, Dad, and Mom, come in. Mom looks at me and quickly rushes over to Naomi. "Honey! What's wrong? What happened? Leroy!?" She says, looking at me. 

"Naomi tried to hurt me and-"


We all turn around and look at Penelope, who was holding her cheek that Naomi smacked earlier. Kelly had smacked right in the same spot. "Didn't I just say don't lie! Don't lie to me, and you won't get smacked." Kelly says. 

"I'm not lying! I..I was jealous of her because she...Leroy likes her! He likes her and not me and-"


This one lands her on the ground, and she starts crying. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!? HOW COULD YOU! I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT YOU! I CAN'T! WHO ARE YOU?! YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY BE MY DAUGHTER! I WOULDN'T RAISE MY DAUGHTER TO DO SOMETHING AS STUPID AS THIS!" Kelly yells, making Penelope sob harder. "SHUT UP!" Kelly yells, angrily. "Bill! Did you call the police?" I say. He nods, walking over to his angry wife, trying to calm her down. 

She swipes his hands away and walks closer to Penelope. "I can't..I can't believe you." And with that, she walks out of the room, saying no more. My mom caressed Naomi's face and followed after Kelly out of the attic. Penelope stops sobbing and turns to Naomi.

"This is your fault." She says, tears rolling down her face. "This is your fault, Naomi Adams! Your fault! See! This would not have happened if you'd have stayed home! Now you've gone around, tearing family's apart and-" "STOP IT!" Bill, Dad, and I yell in unison. 

Naomi quickly pulled out of my grasp, standing up. She winced from pain, and I noticed she had a bruise on her chin too. I stand up with her, and she looks away. "I'm gonna...go... get my clothes." She says. I'm ready to follow her, when Dad grabs my arm and shakes his head. She walks out of the attic and we were now in silence. "I'm gonna kill her!" Penelope yells, running to the door. Bill and Dad grab her by the arms and hold her back. 

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