A Shady Shape

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        "I told him they would 'drop.' You're the one who said 'die.' Your words, not mine," he replied in a serious tone, speaking as if I should have known that.

        "So, 'drop' doesn't mean anyone's gonna die?" I asked.

        "I never said that," Bill answered quickly. "I watched you read a single journal: Journal One. You only read a couple of pages, so don't act like you know everything. That's my job," he continued seriously.

        "But...I didn't feel you watching us then," I mumbled, unable to believe my instincts had let me down. I always feel it when someone stares at me and just watches me.

        "Doesn't matter; I have eyes everywhere. I'm always watching you and your little friends. In fact, I've been monitoring you since the day you were born! I watched you take your first steps, say your first words, punch that snotty kid in the face when you were at that Ohio school- ah, you know the rest. Especially all those times you were chased out of all those towns in all those states."

        I didn't respond. There were too many thoughts, too many memories to think straight. My life was a wreck, and this stupid triangle has been sitting back and watching everything like it was a movie.

        "And get this: I'm the one who convinced everyone you were a witch and a demon and all those nasty things!" Bill announced, proud of his work.

        "How...?! Why...?!" I unconsciously yelled.

        "Well, considering that I can only exist in the dream realm in my present state, I merely entered everyone's dreams! I embedded the thought of you and your folks being all evil and then they did the rest. It was all meant to get you over here in Gravity Falls. And hey, it worked after five tries and two years! Everyone else was already here, or close to it. Getting Mabel and Dipper here wasn't even my doing; that was already set into play by...okay, I lied! I've had that planned for years!" the psychotic shape explained. He then chuckled to himself as if this was all a big joke.

        "You can't do this!" my anger shouted. I was no longer in control of my voice, my emotions were.

        "Already did. I don't know what your problem is; you got a boyfriend out of all this!"

        "He's not my boyfriend!" I screamed. I was already peeved about everything else he said, and he knew it. So, why he would push me any farther is a mystery.

        "Watch your tone Llama! Keep in mind that I know everything! I know your secrets," he warned. "I could reveal your puny secrets, make everybody hate you again, and shove you off to another country! Ya' know what? After I'm done with you, you won't be able to live in this dimension! Got it, Llama?"

        My eyes opened, oblivious to the blinding primary color that surrounded me. I could feel nothing but rage and hate. "Show yourself!" I demanded, looking around the yellow void that was Bill's mind. There was only silence as I floated alone in the empty head of that stupid shape. Had he gone? If he did, where would he go? This is his head!


        After Bill told me these strange things, the entire barren, yellow landscape shook and cracked. Pieces of yellow fell here and there like shattering glass, revealing a familiar darkness. The darkness quickly emerged from the cracks and gaping holes, and shot straight at me. I did what I could to escape it, but it was no use. The dark shadow struck me, knocking me out.

        Then, after what felt like a millennium, I woke up. I glanced around, still seeming to be surrounded by the darkness and endless shadows. My breathing heavy, I slowly stood up, crunching what sounded like a few twigs.

        The forest. I was somewhere in a forest. By this time, I realized that opening my eyes in Bill's "protective coloring" may have actually cost me my vision. I couldn't see a thing, not in the least bit. "Hello? Someone there?" I called out, desperate for an answer. Never once had I experienced a darkness so deep and lost feeling. Poor blind people...

        Some scuffling and a few growls responded to my call. "H-hello?" I said again. This time I heard stomping and heavy puffs of breathe being released alongside some grunts. However, these sounds came from left, opposed to the noise I had experienced the first time. That had come from my right.

        "Hey lady, you wanna be gnome queen?" a male voice asked me. "Gnome queen"? Oh no, it's those weird midgets Dipper told me about!

        "Bah!" A second, more gruff, deeper voice scoffed. "As if this puny girl would ever become queen of you little dwarfs! She looks like an excellent sacrifice for Leaderaur! He needs something to get rid of that nasty aftertaste from the last sacrifice!"

        Sacrifice?! Quick, I wanna be queen! I thought to myself as the two voices began to bicker.

        "One: We're gnomes! Two: Chutzpar, this our new queen! Go wrestle a yeti or something. Come along, Queen," the smaller voice declared, attempting to drag me with him. A powerful, tight grip suddenly seized my arm and lifted me into the air.

        "I don't think so, Jeff." Chutzpar growled, his hot breath hitting my cold face.

        "Gnomes, attack!" Jeff ordered. A series of small voices and animal noises filled the forest, coming closer and closer. The being that had seized my arm grunted for a moment before bellowing.

        "Manotaurs, squash these pests!" I now heard the racing and stomping of hooves parading into the forest. As that happened, Chutzpar merely threw me into the air as if I were a ball. My screams of terror were the next thing to come into the noisy woods of Gravity Falls. From there, my body was tossed about in the fight and sometimes pulled on as if I were a tug-of-war rope. No one seemed concerned about my well being besides me; I could have been killed without a second thought.

        "Help! Someone, please! Help! Dipper! Mabel! Help! Stan! Anyone, please!" I cried. I heard no responses that didn't come from the creatures that carelessly threw me about. "Help! Please!"

        Suddenly, the ground shook and the gnomes' and manotaurs' voices died down to a gentle roar, still screaming and yelling despite the impending danger. The shaking grew harder with each second and they were soon accompanied by multiple roars and growls. "Retreat!" Jeff and Chutzpar ordered simultaneously. The current manotaur that had held me by my leg dropped me onto the ground, fleeing, seeming to forget the main purpose of the feud. Within a matter of seconds the forest had become quieter and more serene.

        The new creature, or perhaps creatures, that greeted me, got as close to me as possible. I was sniffed and grunted at by multiple entities. I was exhausted from the meeting with Bill and the fight that had just broken up; I did nothing, but lay on the ground motionless. "Please, don't hurt me..." I pleaded before losing consciousness. From that point forward, whatever had broken up the fight held my fate in its hands, [metaphorically of course: I'm not sure it actually has hands].

Symbols ~A Gravity Falls Fanfic~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora