Ch. 4 - Jackson

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"Now this is interesting.", Rapmon smiles. "You guys are really close. Childhood friends right?",

"More like siblings at this point.", Eun-ha rubs her cheeks against his back, giggling. 

"Rha, you're not a kid anymore. Get off me. You're heavy. And my legs hurt.", said Jun pats her back and tilts his back backwards to drop Eun-ha.

Eun-ha remembers that Jun has a leg injury and then quickly drops herself off of him. "My bad.", she looks down and rubs the side of her head as a short migraine passes through her brain. A little flashback came to mind that was unfamiliar to her then she shakes here head. "Ow."

Her friend looks at her with concern then holds her hand. "This is going to be quick Rha-Rha. So just deal with it just a little bit longer. Then I'll take you out for dinner."

"Are you guys a couple?", said Rapmon jokingly. 

"Hah, no.", Eun-ha laughs and punches Jun by the arm. "This guy likes really cute girls. You have no idea how many girls liked him in during our high school years."

"Too bad we can't continue the story cuz we're right here already.", Jun pushes Eun-ha's head down to stop her from talking and then steps forward to the the door of Bang's entrance.

The doors opened before the three of  them could touch it. Of course, Bang was already at his desk playing with a deck of photos. "Well, took you kids long enough.", he smirks and spins his chair around.

"Let's just get it over with. Look Bang, don't drag the other members and Jun into this. It was just an argument between me and Suga.", Eun-ha swats her hand at his direction.

Bang flings one of the pictures at Eun-ha and turns his chair's back at them. "Oh, I know. Which is why I'm gonna change our deal a little bit."

Rapmon looks at Eun-ha in curiosity and didn't held back on asking. "Uhm, what's going on?"

"Rapmon, would you change your view of Rha if he was... Different?", Bang PD said with a serious tone in his voice.

Jun intervenes and takes a step forward. "Producer Bang, what are you planning on doing?"

"Hush child.", Bang PD kicks his feet on the ground to slide his rolling chair out of his desk and paddles his way to them. "If Rha here is gonna cause problems by struggling in hiding what's behind that mask, might as well just get rid of it."

Eun-ha gulps. "Wait what? You're not planning on—"

Bang glares at her. "Take it off."


"Bang PD, if this is about him and Suga, I'll take full responsibility!", Rapmon clenched his fists, trying his best to defend Eun-ha.

The producer turns to Rapmon. "I'll ask you again Rapmon. Would your view change?"

With a shake of his head, Rapmon turns to Eun-ha. "No. He's a member now and he's doing his best to fit in with us. When we go announce him as our new member, the fans would love him. I'm sure of it cuz I'll take care of him."

"I'm glad you put it that way Rapmon. But it's not what you would expect.", Bang grins and flicks his wrist upwards at Jun. "You may do the honors manager."

Jun sighs and goes behind Eun-ha, pulling out the rat tail braid that was tucked in her shirt. "Guess you'll be able to breath better now Eun-ha.", he chuckled.

"That braid's been itching the hell out of my back. I'm glad it's out.", she tugs on the elastic band of her braid and pulls it to put down her hair the puts both of her hands against her mask. "Sorry Rapmon.", slowly, she drops her mask to the ground as the pitch of her voice returned to normal. She normally had a deep voice but she had to go even deeper while she was hiding her real self.

Namjoon's eyes widened to see the blunt yet cute Eun-ha's face. "You— you're a girl?"

"Well— you can ask Bang on that one.", Eun-ha stretches her back and rubs her jaws. "It sucked hiding under the mask since it was always so darn hot."

Bang claps his hands and laughs. "This girl is amazing Rapmon. I was gonna add another guy for Bangtan but we couldn't find anyone with her skills. She memorized four of your songs' choreography within less than a month. How amazing is that?"

"PD, I have no problem of Rha being a member still. But, is he— I mean is she going to hide her identity in public?", asked Rapmon.

Jun picks up the mask from the ground and nods. "Well, she's gonna have to. I researched your group and a lot of your fans wouldn't be pleased with having a new member let alone a girl at that. But we'll have to see.", he ruffles Eun-ha's hair.

"Aish, seriously Jun. You need to stop doing that. I'm not a kid anymore!", Eun-ha punches her friend's arm.

"You act like one tho.", the friend retorts.

While the two bicker, Bang and Namjoon finishes up with the topic. "So you want me to tell the rest? What should I do when they're against it?"

"That's you kids' problem. You guys figure it out yourselves like the adults you are.", Bang grins from ear to ear and a group of his guards enter his office to kick them out.

A little later, they headed to the elevator since Bang Si-hyuk had no plan on helping their issue. Inside the elevator was quiet till Rapmon breaks the ice.

"I'm guessing Rha is just your stage name?", he said.

Eun-ha looks up to him. "My real name is Rha Eun-ha. It's gonna be hella awkward for us when we get there.", she groans. "I'm surprised you took this well."

"It's kind of weird. But I'm used to it now. Cuz all this time, you acted more manly than Jimin.", Rapmon laughs. "So it wasn't as obvious."

Eun-ha averts her eyes to the side, confused. "I don't know if that's suppose to be a compliment or an insult."

"Both.", said Jun in the back with an smug grin.

"You do realize you're with me inside a moving elevator right?", Eun-ha cracks her knuckles.

The elevator rings as the door opens. So much for beating up Jun. After they stepped out of the elevator, an unexpected guest calls out for Rapmon.

"Nam-joon!", said a happy-go-lucky looking guy in sport black clothes.

"Oh, Jackson. What are you doing here?", Rapmon stood still and ares the guy approaches him, the two exchanged hugs.

"Was just passing by with Mark cuz he dropped off something for your boy Tae-hyung. And then I was just on my way downstairs to meet up with him.", he looks over Rapmon's shoulder and grins as he sees Eun-ha in her leather. "Who's the cutie patootie?"

Rapmon puts his hand over Jackson's mouth. "Shh. Don't tell anyone about it but he's our new member. It hasn't been announced yet."

"He?", Jackson till his head and marches his way with a grin towards Eun-ha who was silently standing there. But his expression changes as he sees Jun walking out of the elevator. "Jun?!"

"Oh. Hey Jackson.", Jun greets him like it was nothing. He then realizes Eun-ha didn't have her mask on so he puts it on her for her. "Let's go."

"It's been so long Jun and that's all you have to say? I'm sad.", Jackson playfully swings his arm around Jun and smiles at him. "Where have you been?"

Rapmon crosses his arms in confusion. "You guys know each other?"

"Yeah. We were—", Jackson was really happy to answer but he was cut off.

"Just old acquaintances.", said Jun and gently punches Jackson's sides. "Let's go Eun-ha.", he urges Eun-ha to move by pushing on her back.

Eun-ha looks over her shoulder seeing a confused Jackson. "Hey Jun, what's wrong?"

"Nothing.", he said with an annoyed grin. "Are you gonna keep on making me push you all day?"

As the two leave first, heading back to BTS' apartment door, Rapmon didn't even give Jackson any explanation and just told his friend that he needed to go. "I'll talk to you soon man. See you!"

"What happened to you Jun?"

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