Chapter 21 - Together In Azkaban

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Chapter 21

Savannah POV

The rest of the day passed with many rumors forming about Jordyn Lewis. Dumbledore had fully explained to Fred, George, and I what we were to do. We had to wait until after  dinner to start convincing people that it was just a simple prank. 

With some of the rumors it was nearly impossible to not tell people the “Truth”. Like; “She escaped to kill Dumbledore” or “She was caught plotting to kill everyone in the school.” 

It was soon nearing the end of History of Magic with Hufflepuffs, the last class of the day. I was sitting in the back of the room with my only friend in the class with me, Pandora, but I call her Panda. I sit and think back to what has happened this year. 


For the third year in a row I walk down the poster covered streets of Diagon Alley. After hearing the rumors I refused to find out if they were true, which resulted in practically walking down the alley with my eyes closed. 

I felt someone bump into me causeing me to fall onto the ground, the contents of my bag spilling everywhere. My eyes snapped open to see non other than Draco Malfoy. Draco Malfoy oh how thou hate him. (A/n I’m not sure if I did that right???) 

“Watch it mudblood,” he spats as if I’m nothing more than a speck of dust on his shiny black shoes. 

I get up ignoring my spill stuff. “Oh, I KNOW that you know I’m not a muggleborn.” I snap at him starting to get up in his face. He smirks so I jab my wand at him throat. 

“God bitch! What was that for?!” he yells. 

I wait a second pretending to be thinking of an answer. Seconds later I say, “Breathing.” He growls at me and storms away. I just laugh at him. I go to pick up my stuff but before I get a chance to it’s magically put back in the bag. I look around to see who did it but see no one in the massive crowd on the Alley. 

I forget not to look at the posters and find myself reading one nearly two feet from me. 

“Double Azkaban breakout!” the headline read. Below was a familiar woman named Jordyn Lewis, and the other was a man a few years older... Sirius Black. I couldn’t read it. I may not have known him but he’s still my uncle. He’s the only one I have left after my mother and father died. 

~Later In The Year~

It’s the only thing people have been talking about all year. “Oh, Sirius Black has escaped!” I’m sick and tired of it. Thank merlin that today people leave for Christmas break. Of course I’ll be staying here though. 

I walk outside in the cool winter air. I get a chill and curse myself for not bringing a jacket. After walking around for a bit I see a big black dog go by followed by a pure white ferret. The dog reminded me of the one that mum told me about before her death. Of course they were all from stories she made up though. Stories about a stag, a rat, a dog, and a werewolf. I don’t really remember them much but sometimes they just randomly come to mind. 

~In  Dumbledore’s Office~ 

After being told to enter Dumbledore’s office (and doing so) I sat down in a chair in front of his desk. 

“What did you want me for professor?” I asked. 

“You’ve heard about the escapes from Azkaban right?” he asked. I swallowed hard and nodded. I know that Sirius is only my uncle and probably doesn’t even know about me but it’s still a touchy subject. I haven’t even told my best friend about it. “Jordyn Lewis and Sirius Black are somewhere at Hogwarts. Sirius is innocent and Jordyn has changed.” he said randomly.

I cocked my head to the side. “And what does that have to do with me?” I asked.

“oh yes, I supposed I forgot to add a part to that,” Dumbledore said chuckling. “Yes, yes well I know that one of them or even both of them will probably be in or out of the castle and if they ever get caught in here, since your a metamorphous, I would like to ask you if you would be okay with saying that it was just you and that it was a meant to be harmless prank.”

“Yeah, sure. But are you sure that Sirius is innocent and that Jordyn has completely changed?” I reassuringly asked him. Dumbledore just nodded and how can I not trust Dumbledore?

~*~End of Flashback~*~

“Ann! Ann!” Panda yelled to me smacking my shoulder. I snapped out of thought. 

“Hmm?” I asked her. 

“Class ended five minutes ago,” she explained. 

“Oh, sorry. I was just, you know, thinking.” 

“Well stop thinking and start walking,” demanded Panda. I rolled my eyes and followed her out of the now deserted classroom and into the great hall where Dumbledore would be making his speech blaming the whole thing on me.

A/n okay so there is number 21! I would have made this longer but I have to do homework and start researching for a big school project. BUT I GET TO MAKE FOOD! Why do the people of ancient greece have to make so much history??? Well yeahz, hope you liked it. And btw I was hoping on more comments on chapter 20 but I only had like three different people comment :'( So yeahz, I'm gunna end this note here. Chapter 22 will be p no later than sunday!

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