Chapter 14 -Together In Azkaban

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Jordyn POV


“Of course.” Those were the two words that would change history forever. We’re going to be the first to people to ever break out of Azkaban Prison.

Right after Sirius had said those two words, I did what we decided to do in the plan. I first turned to my ferret form, then after successfully crawling through the bars of the door of my cell I took out ‘my’ wand.

“Accico my cell door key.” I whispered and out of no where flew a key. I caught it and unlocked the cell door. After it was unlocked I transformed back into a ferret and made sure that a big black dog came out of my cell. I saw him come out and we started running in the shadows up to the very top of Azkaban prison.

It’s weird how big everything is when you’re a ferret. You never really think about it when you’re human size. It made the whole run up to the top seem so much longer. Actually, Sirius ended up carrying me up to the top since I had gotten so much farther behind him.

About half way to the top we had almost ran into some guards. But luckily Sirius blended in with the walls and the darkness while my size just let me not be seen.

We soon made it to the top and almost exactly when we did we heard loud sirens going off from below us.

Transforming to my human form I said, “Just ignore it” to Sirius. I then transformed into a Phoenix., grabbed Sirius with my claws, making sure not to hurt him, and then we took off into the night.


A/n ok so I’m writing this in the car. Yep, on my way to New York. We WILL be stopping in New Hampshire to stay over night in a hotel. The hotel had WiFi. Also what I wanted to say was that I just can’t get myself to write long chapters. So I will just be writing several short chapters. I think that most of the reason is that I’m almost done with Part 2 and I don’t want it to look really short only having two or three chapters in it since Part 2 is only supposed to have the escaping part in it. So ya, Just about to exit Maine right now. Good bye home state! Hello New Hampshire!

Together In Azkaban ~ Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now