Chapter 3 - Together In Azkaban

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Dedicated to; crazycassie151

Months had passed, and I'm pretty sure that I've become more sane than I was before I got here. 

Dementors came and went. I stopped talking. I ate every few days. And yet I'm still all alone. So here I sit, on the floor next to my so-called 'bed', running my fingers through the dirt covering the floor. My long used-to-be blonde hair covering my face.

I heard the sound of struggling in the distance. I chuckled to myself. These people need to be calm unless they want the Dementors to suck their soul. 

The sound was getting louder. I soon heard footsteps coming towards my cell. My head perked up and saw guards opening the cell door next to mine. 

“I’m innocent! I’m innocent!” yelled a mans voice. I tried listening as well as I could, but I couldn’t figure out if I knew this man. I heard a loud THUD and a door slamming. Followed by the growling of a few Dementors. 

About a good fifteen minutes after the guards and Dementors had left the man started making quite a bit of noise in his cell. I chuckled at his stupidness, yet again, I was like that for my first day or so here also. 

The noise stopped. “Who’s there?” asked the terrified man.

"Don't worry, it's just a scary sixteen year old girl." I reassured him. "And what is a sixteen year old doing in Azkaban?" he asked. "You know, just sitting." I fooled around. Wow, who would think that I would ever have a conversation like this again. "So what's the name?" I asked.

"Sirius, Sirius Black." 

"I've heard the name." I said aloud. But really in my head I was thinking, What the fuck is he doing in here? Wasn't he like all against this shit that got me in here?  I didn't get a response. What an asshole!  


A few days passed and really, if it weren't for the first day that Sirius was here I wouldn't have even known that the cell next to me contained someone. But one day he decided to speak up. "How long have you been here?" he asked. It took me a bit to think about it, "About six months." I answered. "But I'm in here for life so really the only reason why I'm keeping track is so that I know how long I will survive in here." I tell him. 

"What is the reason on living if your stuck in here for life?" Sirius asked. 

I thought about it for a while, "I don't know."

A/n I'M SOOOO SORRY for the shortness! I really want to upload longer chapters its just that with this story it's kinda hard for me :( 

But I will try REALLY hard to upload either tomorrow or wednesday.

I know, I know, it was a sucky chapter but there really wasn't supposed to be much going on in this chapter. I also uploaded this chapter today because of crazycassie151, of whom this chapter is also dedicated to :D

I would also really LOVE some more comments than I've been getting so how about the first person who comments gets a dedication? 

COMMENT, Vote, Fan <3


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