Chapter 13 - Together In Azkaban

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Sirius POV

After Lou had found that picture of Pettigrew in the Daily Prophet, I had a mix of emotions overcome me. Really, this meant a few things, that Pettigrew would be at Hogwarts once we escape, and that we will be able to kill Pettigrew once we find him.


It had been a few days since Lou had found out Pettigrew was living with the Weasleys. I had just woken up from a deep slumber.

“You know you talk in your sleep?” said Lou after I had woken up.

“I do not!” I argued.

“Do to,” I knew that she would want to be right so I just gave up.

“Okay, fine, whatever.”

Lou gave a satisfied look. I just smirked at her. There was a long silence which wasn’t very unusual. I mean, really there isn’t much to do when your locked up in a cell for life. Luckily our escape isn’t too long from now.

“You know we could get out of here now. We really don’t have to wait five more months.” Lou said breaking the silence between us. “I have all three of my forms perfected with and without a wand, and we have our whole plan worked out and memorized. I bet I could do it in my sleep if I wanted to. AND, it’s not full moon for another three weeks.” she stated.

I thought about it for a few seconds. “Well, I guess we could. I mean if anyone were to over hear us since the past, what, eleven years? Then they wouldn’t expect this at all. Yeah, lets do this.” I say excited.

Lou smiled at me. One of her genuine smiles. Something that really, I haven’t been able to do since I got in here. It’s been mostly fake. I don’t know how she does it.

“Good,” she said.

“We’ll leave tonight. At, lets say, sunrise? That way we won’t have to go in the dark.” I told her,

Lou just rolled her eyes. “Sirius, I love you and everything, just sometimes you can be such an idiot. It would be kinda hard not to notice a big black dog and a phoenix flying over the ocean in the sunlight.” Lou explained to me.

For the past few years we’ve been getting to know each other. She’s actually a really sweet girl. But we haven’t been ‘dating’ more like very close friends.

“How bout tonight a twilight?” I suggested.

“Much better.” Lou said like I was a five year old. “That is probably in about fifteen minutes. Just prepare yourself Sirius.” Lou told me. I nodded indicating that I understood.

The next fifteen minutes seemed like the longest fifteen minutes of my life. I kept going over the plan in my head. ‘Lou transforms into her ferret form. Exit’s the cell through the spaces in between the bars. She goes back to her human form, accico’s the key, unlocks the cell door, and then we both transform. Her to her ferret form and me to my dog form (of course). Then we will be running to the top of Azkaban. From there, Lou will transform into her Phoenix form and will fly the two of us to the nearest island. After that I will be apperating us to the shrieking shack.’

Pretty easy.

Finally fifteen minutes had passed.

“You ready to go?” asked Lou.

“Of course.” I answered.

And with those two words we were about to do something that would change history.

A/n  So here is the first chapter that I wrote during the long car ride. Right now I'm at the hotel in new hampshire. I would have uploaded sooner but we went out and bought some fireworks and then we went to Chili's and then we went swimming. So now I'm on wattdap uploading! :) So ya

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