Chapter 8 - Together In Azkaban

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A/n ok so like I said I would do;

Thanks to…



and  crazycassie151

for being the first three and only three (other than me) people to comment on the last chapter :D This chapter is also dedicated to NatalieLovesCookies

"Aww shit." I swore aloud. The look on Sirius's face wasn't describable. He kept opening and closing his mouth about to say something, I guess he was trying to form the right words. 

"Y-y-y-" but he was cut off by me being dragged off back to my cell. Or at least that's what I thought.


I must have been knocked out because I woke back up in a weird and unfamiliar room. I got up into a standing position from the awkward one I was laying in. I tried to say, "Hello?" but nothing came out. I stood still, not making a noise. I realized that I was alone. I was thought wrong, again. 

As soon as that thought left my head a giant spider started crawling towards me. I went to reach for my wand but then remembered that I had it taken away almost eight months ago. So I used wandless magic. Since I couldn't talk I concentrated and in my head said, "Petrificus Totalus." I watched the spider go stiff as the body binding curse hit it. 

The spider soon vaporized in front of me and was replaced with a Voldemort's snake, Nagini. I tried to mentally curse the snake but right in front of me, it grew about ten times it's original size. "Holy shit," I thought. The snake got closer and closer. I was scanning my mind of something to get rid of it, but my brain seemed to go blank. The snake lunged for my but I used my magical ninja skills to get away from it. It lunged again in which I just got away. On the third time I wasn't so lucky though. On the snakes lunge, I tried getting away but my right arm caught on the tooth, and then the weirdest thing happened. A sword magically appeared in my hand, so I cut that little fuckers head off. The head rolled around on the floor. blood poring from both the body and the de-attatched head. It smelled like death. But after a few seconds it also vaporized. 

There were many different 'tests' like those two. I swam through hundreds of mermaids to get a key, that I dropped, which would bring me to a totally different room. I dueled with many different witches and wizards, and many many other life threatening things. And the whole time I felt like my arm would fall off because of the snake bite. I still had no clue why I was in here. Now, I'm currently about to open a door that will lead me to who-knows-where or what. I slowly opened the silver mirror like door and entered what looked like the shrieking shack. The only reason why I know what that that is what it looked like was because one time, over the summer, my old best friend brought me to Hogsmeade when we were in our second year and she dared me to go into the shrieking shack. 

There were broken chairs everywhere with split in half tables and dented walls. Overall, it looked pretty much the same as it did four years ago. 

The house was perfectly silent except for the sound of my footsteps on the dusted floorboards. I looked at the floor and saw a small set of rat tracks, something like a deer or something tracks, wolf or dog tracks and, is that, werewolf tracks? But nobody has heard anything from in here in years. 

"AWHOOOOOO!" I heard coming from the second floor.

"Shit." I mentally swore considering I still could not talk aloud. I was currently soaked, severely scratched up, probably had some broken bones, had a bad burn on my side because of a stupid dragon, a deep hell hound bite on my left leg, and that snake bite. And now I'm expected to fight off a damn werewolf!?!

I heard loud footsteps racing down the stairs, and soon appeared a werewolf. I could barely keep myself standing up. I can't fight a werewolf! I started to feel a bit dizzy and the werewolf had just spotted me. It lunged at me. Before I knew what was happening, I was pinned to the ground and had been bitten on the shoulder. But for some reason the werewolf had been pushed off of me but right before it was pushed off of me it dragged its razor sharp claws across my face. I could feel the warm sticky blood slowly dripping down my face. It hurt too much to cry. Too much to move. Too much to live. 

I looked over next to me to see a rat, and a stag wrestling with the werewolf. I felt something nudge up against my head pushing my hair out of my face. I looked over to see a big black dog. It reminded me of someone but I could figure out who. "I'm gonna die." I thought closing my eyes trying to ignore the almost unbearable pain. I looked over to the dog again and watched it transform into non other than Sirius Black.

"Sirius?" I asked finally able to speak aloud but before I could get an answer I blacked out. 

A/n Ok so I said that I would upload last night but I ended up going over to eemia98's house. Cards night :) Well anyways, wasn't this chapter amazing?! I thought it was. And you guys probably thought that there was going to be more of Sirius in it didn't you? Well I felt that it was all too predictable so I added this in. I really like this chapter. I would have also uploaded earlier today but my little sister made me get up early so that she could go look for easter eggs. Lol. I got to hide them last night! But my mum got me 2 Hunger Games T-Shirts. One with Peeta and then another one with Katniss and Peeta :D

Ok so enough about me, what do you guys think will happen in the next chapter? Will Sirius flip out on Jordyn? Or will he react totally different than Jordyn thought he would. And what about Jordyns' injuries? 

Chapter 9 will be up soon :D hopefully sometime today. Omg I can't believe I'm already this far! I will also be mentioning the first three people to comment :) but I would really love to have more than three people commenting though. I really don't like silent readers. I enjoy getting comments even if it is only one comment that you put on the whole entire story :D Also, who thinks I should put this in the Watty Awards 2012? Well after I do some editing :D Ok so this Authors Note is getting really long so I'm just gunna end it here :D Happy Easter!

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