Chapter 9 - Together In Azkaban

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Ok so I'm going to be mentioning my favorite readers from this story because they comment on almost all of my chapters. Thats really all you have to do to like me is comment :D




and xXAskXHerXx

Also if you guys were confused by the last chapter this chapter should clear it up a bit. I will re read the last chapter and if necessary I will re-write. 


I woke up in an unfamiliar room. It would be pure white if it wasn't for the blood trail leading from the door to my bed. The room had no windows and was rather small. I was the only one in there. 

Seconds later the door opened, and in walked a woman. She was obviously in her late forties or early fifties. She had short grey hair and was quite tall. 

I waited a bit before saying, "Where am I?" 

The woman jumped. "Oh I didn't know you were awake." she squeaked in a high pitched voice. "You're in Azkaban's infirmary. After the tests that they made you take you were severely injured. It's a law to let the test takers stay here until they wake up. Most people have it worse than you." Ok so now I'm confused. Who is 'they'? Why did I have to take a 'test'? How can someone be worse off than me in there? Well I guess someone can die but really! I have it pretty bad. 

"Wh-" I started.

"I know what your going to ask. I will tell you under one condition," she said. I nodded as if telling her to continue. "You can NOT tell ANYONE that I told you." I nodded in agreement. "Ok so I haven't been told exactly why the Ministry makes certain prisoners take the 'test' but I have my suspicions. I think that they are doing it to weaken the stronger prisoners, to make sure that they don't escape." The woman explained. I nodded in indication that I understood. 

"So what was wrong with me? What did you do?" I asked her. I wanted to know if I had just imagined some of that.

"There was quite a bit," she answered. "You had three broken ribs, a broken wrist, your left ankle was sprained, a very severe burn, and a severe concussion. If you hadn't gotten out of there when you did the snake bit would have killed you. The burn on your side will scar along with the hell hound and snake bites." she said.

"I know your holding something back." I said. "I can see it in your eyes."

She took in a deep breath before beginning, "The werewolf in the last test," she paused. "It bit you and unfortunately your also a werewolf now. But nobody from the tests will remember what had happened. Because some of them, like the werewolf one, happened in the past. The people will just remember it as a dream." I nodded. She continued, "also the scratches from it on your face will scar. There isn't anything I can do about it." she said sadly. I'm still a bit confused about this whole 'test' thing but whatever.

Before I could do anything, the door opened yet again and three guards came in and took me away back to my cell. 


A/n short chapter! I was originally going to make it longer but I decided that I just wanted to leave it here and then do chapter 10 which has Sirius in it!!!

So what do you think about Jordyn becoming a werewolf? 

Oh and incase anyone was wondering, the healer WILL come back later in the book. 

So ya i think that's it, again, Happy Easter!

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