Minghao (Angst Pt1)

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You were waiting for Minghao your boyfriend to come home. Lately he has been very distant lately. And you wanted to talk to him about it. The door lock jangled. Minghao opened the door.

"Hi Minghao," you say happily.

"Hi," he says not looking at you. He started the go on his phone.

"Can I talk to you?" You ask.

"Can't you see I'm busy?" he said in a cold way.

"B-but it's important," you say softly.

He signed in annoyance.

"What?" he asked.

"Well, you've been very distant lately and I don't know what is going on, are you not liking me anymore? Did I do something wrong?" you tried to ask in the politest way so you wouldn't get him mad.

"You did do something wrong!!" he yelled.

You flinched.

"What did I do?" you ask.

"YOU F***** CHEATED ON ME!" he yelled.

"Where did you get that? Why would I cheat on you?" you asked hurt by what he said.

He went on his phone and showed you a picture of you and a boy hugging.

"Who's that?" he said coldly

"That an old friend from middle school," you said.

"Why were you hugging him?" he asked.

"Well old friends hug," you mumbled.

"Excuses," he shouted.

"It's not an excuse!" you raised your voice.

"Don't you dare talk to me that way!!" he yelled right in your face.

Tear filled your eyes but you didn't let them fall.

"Your the one that's accusing me of cheating!"

"Because you are!"he yelled.

"Minghao, I would never cheat," your voice starting to break.

"Then why do these articles say you are?" he said pointing and showing you articles on his phone.

"Those are all fake! Those aren't true," you started to cry.

He was silent for a while. Tears fell down your eyes. He finally spoke.

"I think we shouldn't be together," he said with no emotion.

"Why? I love you, don't you love me?" you asked hoping he would say yes.

But no answer.

You hung your head low. You played with your fingers.

"I guess not," you whispered.

"I guess not," he whispered.

Seventeen Imagines [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now