Chapter 40 - Reunion

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Bellamy walked across the camp until he reached the medical tent. He knew she would be in there - where else would she be at a time like this?

Bellamy opened the flap of the tent and stood there in awe. He watched as Clarke was showing Madi how to stitch up some man's wound on his arm. He was amazed at how well Clarke was with Madi. Madi had became Clarke's best friend. Her daughter, in a way. Bellamy knew that if him and Clarke were going to be together that Madi would take to him like she has Clarke - and he was okay with that.

Clarke must have felt someone staring at her, because she looked up from the man and her eyes fell directly on Bellamy. She smiled and looked to her mom. 

"Mom, can you take over here? Madi is doing a good job. Could you just watch her?"

Abby looked to Clarke, but then saw Bellamy standing there. She smiled and nodded as she walked over to help Madi as Clarke approached Bellamy.

"Come on" she said as she walked right past him out of the tent. Bellamy followed the order from his princess and followed her in silence all the way into the woods and to the river. Once Clarke knew they were away from everyone, she grabbed Bellamy, pushed him up against a tree, and kissed him hard. She had missed him so much. Ever since they had been captured, she had missed his comforting touch. Bellamy reacted normally and wrapped his arms around Clarke. He needed her too.

The kiss became more playful as Bellamy picked Clarke up and turned around quickly, pushing Clarke up against the tree now. Clarke broke the kiss as she burst out in laughter. The two of them stood there, foreheads together, just looking at one another.

"Is everything okay now?" Clarke whispered.

"I think so. It looks like we finally got that peace thing everyone's been talking about." Bellamy whispered back.

Clarke smiled. "Good. That means we can finally live instead of just surviving. Me, you, Octavia, Kane, my mom -"

"And Madi." Bellamy finished Clarke's sentence with a smile.

"And Madi" Clarke whispered. Bellamy nodded and kissed Clarke on the forehead.

"Come on" he said as he grabbed her hand. "We have to go watch the trial to see what is decided."


The trial went by very quickly. Everyone knew the fate these men deserved. There were a total of 12 men that Kane and Octavia had pardoned to stay on probation. The others were lead out into the woods, given few supplies, and left there. Octavia's men made it very clear that they were not to follow them home. Clarke felt safe again knowing they were gone. 

There was a peaceful presence lingering over the camp. Everyone was working together, putting together structures, setting up tables and chairs, building fires, and making dinner from the findings the hunting parties had brought back. The little hut that her and Madi use to share had now turned into a thriving civilization with her people. Once dinner was ate, the people all settled into their own places for the night. Parties erupted in every corner - but all Clarke wanted to do was rest. 

Clarke began walking across camp on her way to the hut. On her way, she saw Harper and Monty snuggled up by the fire. Amori and Murphy were at the bar making fun of someone. "Of course" Clarke thought. Octavia was over at a table with Indra drawing up maps of this new world and preparing their defenses for another attack. Clarke knew they wouldn't stop because they didn't believe in us truly being in peace, so she knew it was best to leave them be. Clarke's mom and Kane were sleeping by another fire. Raven was over messing with radio's while Wick picked on her. Clarke looked at all of these people... all of the people she loved, and knew right then she would be okay.

Clarke walked into the hut and straight to her room to see Madi already in bed, asleep. Clarke stood in the door way and smiled as she watched the little girl she had taken under her wing, sleep peacefully through the night. She didn't need to worry anymore if they would be hurt. As she stood there watching Madi, she felt a set of arms wrap themselves around her torso from behind. She knew who it was. Clarke turned around to face Bellamy. She was greeted with a soft kiss. "Come on" he whispered.

Clarke followed Bellamy out behind the hut. There was a fire and two sleeping bags, side by side. Bellamy and Clarke laid down beside the fire and drifted off to sleep. For the rest of their nights together, Clarke and Bellamy could get some real sleep. Sleep without the nightmares. Sleep with each other. They had found peace. They had found each other. They had reunited. 

They were happy. 

-The End-

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