Chapter 14 - We Will Help You

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It had been three days since the night of Clarke's big meal with her family. Since then, their new friends, the guards, had informed Clarke of their ship, the inmates, and how they got here.

It turns out, these men had been put into hyper sleep and sent through space. The kicker - it was Becca's Knightblood solution that done it. Raven almost came unglued when she discovered that part. Becca was still haunting us.


"Somehow, my chamber opened up one day, I guess mine was first because I was the warden. I went to open the other guards chambers so we could try to figure out where we were and what year it was. Our mission was to go outside the asteroid belt and let these prisoners mine, then put them back into hyper sleep and bring everything back to earth. We figured something was wrong when we tried to use the com system to get in touch with someone at Eligius and let them know we were awake. We got nothing. Luckily, we were able to look through the news articles that were sent to us. They did that so we wouldn't loose touch with the world, I guess, when we woke up. We saw articles of the war starting and how things were getting pretty bad. The last article we were able to recover was the one about the bombs. Then, they stopped.... The computer in the control room was counting the days that we had been traveling. Turns out, we were up their all this time in hyper sleep, while our friends and family suffered down here." Theo bowed his head as he said that last sentence. I knew that the hard truth him and his men had to face that day still haunted him. "Once we finally figured out what had happened, we felt remorse for the prisoners. They weren't prisoners anymore after all of this time... they deserved to have a second chance in whatever life we could scavenge. We decided to let them out. I guess they couldn't grasp that we were freeing them. We tried to tell them everything that we had discovered... tried to explain everything. But they didn't listen. Eventually, they took over the ship. I dont know how many days we were tied up there. They must have stopped along the way to board The Ark and pick you guys up.. we are so sorry that happened to you." Theo spoke in a sincere voice and looked to Bellamy. Bellamy nodded and Theo continued. "The prisoners came in one morning and said that they spotted a piece of land that looked to be inhabitable and they were going to land. I advised them not to, but you see where we are now.... I guess it was a good thing they landed." Theo smiled and looked to me.

Clarke began to tell him about their journey, the first 100 to come down from The Ark, and how a second Praimfiaya happened and how she was the one how had been here the longest - 6 years. "How did you survive the radiation?" Theo asked. "Because I have the same blood as you." She continued to tell him about the grounders and their ways and traditions, and how the term Knightblood and Knightbleeda came to be. "There is a whole language that has been made here that you know nothing about. Traditions. It's something you'll need to adapt to quickly if you intended on staying and co-existing with the grounders, just as we did." "We? Are there more of you here?"
That's when Bellamy turned to Clarke. Since everything had been so crazy, she hadn't had time to tell him about the bunker. He knew though. Raven had filled him in and told him how upset I was over it... She assumed that's why he hasn't tried to pry to much.

"We found a bunker before Praimfiaya hit. The rest of our people, the rest of the human race, are in there.... thousands. Up until last week, it had just been me and Madi out here for 6 years. We tried to dig them out on so many days...." Bellamy walked behind Clarke and placed his hand on her shoulder. He knew she blamed herself. "The bunker was only sufficient enough for 5 years. It's been 6. Since the rubble from the Polis building was too much, me and Madi couldn't do it. My mom is in there, Bellamy's sister, our friends. Everyone. And I couldn't do anything about it. I dont know if they're alive or not..." A silence filled the room. "We will help you" Theo said. "If its rubble we are needing to get through, we have all of the mining equipment still on the ship. It should be no problem to get it knocked out enough to get to the bunker door. We just need to find a way around the prisoners." Theo said. They all looked at each other and agreed. They were getting our people out no matter what.

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