Chapter 2 - Who Are You?

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The ship had been on the ground now for an hour and nobody had been spotted exiting it. Clarke and Madi had parked the rover up on a hill so they could overlook the ship without being seen directly. Madi had climbed on top of the rover to get a better view and was drawing in Clarke's notebook to pass the time. Clarke glanced up at her, realizing that Madi didn't show the fear or concern that she was showing herself. Madi was only 13 - still innocent. She had grown up in a world that in the beginning, was very cruel. Her last 6 years of life had been nothing but peace, and happiness. Clarke began to grow angry at the thought that whoever was in that ship could change that for Madi. Although Madi was technically not Clarke's child, she still felt extremely protective over her, and has been since the day she found her in that cave.

"What do you think they are doing in there?" Madi said. "I am not sure. They could be sitting there watching us. Remember what I told you during our lessons? Be cautious of your surroundings. Don't let anyone catch you off guard. That is probably why they are sitting there - waiting for a move to be made".

Madi sighed. "Not everything is a battle now, Clarke. We have been safe for 6 years. Can't you get past the feeling of being in danger by now?" Clarke rolled her eyes and chuckled. "You never get over it, Madi."

Clarke looked back at the ship and the drop door slammed down. As soon as the dust cleared, she saw 5 men at the door. They were not as she had pictured. They were dirty, blue collared, and normal looking. She expected men in guard uniforms to appear. "Maybe these men were prisoners and have taken control of the ship?" Madi said. Clarke quickly shushed her and proceeded to get her riffle out. Made could be on to something. These men did not look like the type of people to be in charge. "The only thing to do now is observe them - just like a taught you" Clarke whispered. Madi jumped down from the top of the rover to stand beside Clarke. They grabbed hands and ran into the woods to hide.

Later that night, Clarke had set up a small camp for her and Madi so they could continue to watch the men and rest. Madi was asleep as soon as her head hit the ground - she had an exciting day. Clarke on the other hand, was a wreck. She didn't know wether to feel nervous or excited or a combination of both. Who were these people? What did they want? Where were her friends? She tossed and turned all night. Finally, she gave up on sleep and went back to trying to watch the men. She observed as they looked around. You could tell that this was their first time on earth because they acted the same way as her and the others did when they first arrived all that time ago.

Morning came and Clarke and Madi got up and returned to the rover. The men had slept outside last night and were still sleeping on the ground beside the ship. They didn't venture out like Clarke thought they would - they must be nervous. Clarke was getting anxious and wanted to know more.

"I think I am going to go talk to them" Clarke said. "No! What if they're not nice?!" Madi shouted. "Keep your voice down Madi. I need to find out what is happening. You know what to do if something were to happen. Take the rover and go. Now be brave for me, okay?" Madi nodded her head and took the pistol out of her pocket and laid it in her lap to prepare herself. Clarke kissed Madi on top of her head, threw her riffle over her shoulder, and started down the hill towards the ship. She was going to get to the bottom of this.

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