Chapter 19 - Together

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Clarke and Bellamy examined the door carefully. She began to wipe the dust off the best she could. She then placed her hand on the latch, and Bellamy placed his hand on top of hers. "Together" he said. Clarke nodded and they lifted the latch. Luckily it wasn't locked. They must have unlocked it themselves but realized their was rubble on top so they couldn't get out. Clarke could tell this bothered Bellamy as he realized the door opened with ease. How long had they been trying to get out?

The door was pushed all the way open. Clarke looked behind me at the crowd of people standing. She called Theo and August over to me.

"Me and Bellamy will go down to see what's going on. Can your men work together to start clearing a path for everyone to get through this rock? They may have injured and it will be easier to get them out that way. Theo and August looked at each other. August was hesitant but nodded. Both men walked away and instructed their men what to do.

"These people have been underground for 6 years! When they come out, give them some space please!" Bellamy yelled to the crowd. He looked to Clarke and we both proceeded to walk down into the bunker. 

Clarke and Bellamy reached the bottom of the steps. They still had power running, so that was a good sign we thought.

They heard foot steps approaching and both drew their weapons.


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