Chapter 34 - You Are Our People

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Time was moving in slow motion for Clarke as she watched August continue to make multiple cuts across Bellamy's body. Clarke had cried so much, she had no more tears. She had screamed so much that her throat was raw. She had tried so hard to get up, but nothing worked. After the 20th cut, August finally stopped. Clarke looked to Bellamy who had his head bowed down, looking at the floor. His breathing was heavy. Clarke knew he was trying to not show the pain he was truly in.

August looked to Clarke and smiled. "That's enough for now. I'll give poor Bellamy a break." August walked towards the door but stopped before he passed by Clarke. He bent down and whispered in her ear "I'll be back for you, too." Clarke's face instantly fell and she began to cry. August continued to walk by her and him and the guards left the room. Once Clarke heard the door lock, she immediately rocked her chair back and forth until she broke the bolts that had attached it to the floor. She moved the chair over beside Bellamy. She needed to be near him.

"Bell..." Clarke whispered as she began to cry. Bellamy kept his head down, not looking at Clarke.


Bellamy was silent. After a moment, he finally raised his head up and looked over to Clarke. His face was flushed. He was crying. He tried to fake his smile, but Clarke knew better.

"Bell... it's ok -"

"They're going to kill me Clarke. I know they are. I need you and Madi to get out of here before they do."

"No! They're not doing that and we are NOT leaving without you!"

"Please Clarke.... I cant bare the thought of him having you. Hurting you. I can't. We need to get you out before they kill me."

"No." Madi said. Bellamy and Clarke both turned to her. They had forgotten for a moment that she was there listening.

"Clarke told me a long time ago, we don't leave our people behind. You are our people, Bellamy. We are thinking of a plan that gets us all home. Okay?" Madi said proudly.

Bellamy looked to her, then to Clarke. He put on a smile and nodded.

"I'm not letting anything happen to either of you. Got it?" Clarke said sternly as she looked to Madi. Madi smiled and then nodded. Clarke managed to slide her chair closer to Bellamy's and reached over to kiss him on the cheek. She didn't care. She needed Bellamy to know that she was with him, no matter what. They were going to survive. 


A few hours had passed since August had been back. Clarke had moved her back to face Bellamy's back. They were both using their hands to attempt to free one another's arms. Madi had fallen asleep in her chair and was snoring. "Leave it to her to still snore in a time like this" Clarke said as she chuckled. Bellamy showed a soft smile.

"She loves you like a mother, you know" Bellamy said.

"I am all she has. I'd do anything for her. Just like you would Octavia." Clarke said. Bellamy nodded. He understood exactly what she meant. "We have to get her out of here at all cost" Bellamy whispered. Clarke nodded. "I know."

"Almost there" Bellamy whispered. Clarke heard a snap and knew Bellamy had undone her ties around her arms. She immediately got them out and undone her legs. She then turned to Bellamy and got his arms out first. Before she had time to get his legs untied, she heard movement.

Madi woke up - she heard it too. Clarke turned to face the door. She heard foot steps approaching. She moved quickly, but quietly, to get her chair back into the position it was originally in before August left. As soon as Clarke managed to get there, she placed her arms and legs on the chair to mimic the look of her being tied like before. The door then unlocked and opened. She heard several steps of footsteps behind her, but she knew who it was.

"Ready to answer some more of my questions, Clarke?"

"What are they, August?" Clarke said with a tone.

August walked around the room so Clarke could see him now. He still had the knife in his hand, twirling it around.

"How many of you are there?"

"What does it matter if your wanting to kill all of them?" Clarke said with a chuckle. 

August reached and slapped Clarke, hard, across the face.

"I will not be spoke to like that! I am your superior!" August yelled.

Madi saw and began to cry. Bellamy looked over to her and shook his head. He didn't like seeing it either but he knew that Clarke could handle it.

Clarke shook the hair out of her face and looked back to August.

"Just for that, I'll start with you first" Clarke spat as she jumped up from her chair and knocked the knife out of August's hand. The knife went tumbling to the ground. Bellamy saw it and moved his hands from behind his back to grab it. He quickly cut the rope that bound his legs and stood up. Clarke had pinned August in the corner with her hands wrapped around his neck. Bellamy went straight for the two guards in the room. Before either of them had time to shoot, Bellamy had already knocked a gun out of one guards hands. Bellamy pointed the gun at the guard and shot him. He then turned to the other guard and shot him. Both guards were now laying on the ground, dead. Bellamy turned around and looked to Madi. She was terrified. She had never been exposed to violence like this.

"Bellamy! Get Madi first!" Clarke yelled as she struggled with August. He was so strong - she didn't understand how she was even putting up a fight like this against him.

Bellamy ran over to Madi and cut all of the rope that had her bound. He then handed her the second gun that the other guard had. "Go stand over in the corner and don't move, okay? If someone comes towards you - shoot them." Madi nodded and done as she was told. 

Bellamy then ran over to the other side of the room to help Clarke. August had turned the tables around and had Clarke pinned in the corner with his hands around her neck. Clarke's face was beginning to turn purple. Bellamy ran up behind him and knocked him over the head with the base of the gun. August fell to the floor, unconscious. Bellamy looked down at him and then to Clarke. He immediately ran to her and wrapped her up in his arms. 

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