Chapter 15 - Love Is Weakness

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After the conversation with Theo, the group made a plan. Ambush the ship, take over the prisoners, and let them keep the ship in exchange for the mining equipment. It seemed simple when you said it like that, but they all knew this would be mission impossible. They decided to leave for the ship at first light tomorrow morning. Clarke had already made sure everyone was fed for the night and everyone was relaxing. Leave it to Monty - he had been on the ground for less than 96 hours and had already made up a batch of moonshine. Go figure.

Clarke walked outside to get some fresh air. She was so thrilled to have her friends back, but would be lying if she said she didn't feel a little suffocated by having that many people in a home that use to only occupy her and Madi. Clarke walked down to the creek to wash her face. She heard a twig snap behind her and went to grabbed her riffle. Once she turned around, she could see it was Bellamy. She was standing there point her gun straight at him. A smirk appeared on his face as he raised both of his hands in the air. "Easy princess." Clarke laughed and lowered her rifle. Bellamy walked down and sat beside of her on the creek bank. A silence was lifted over them. She wanted to see why Bellamy felt the need to follow her, so she let him be the one to break the silence.

"Clarke... about the other night."

Clarke had forgot that they hadn't really had time to talk about that night... the kiss... since it happened. What was he thinking? Was he regretting it already?

"What about it?" she said.

"I need to tell you... while I was on The Ark, I thought you were dead. I didn't know what to do. I feel like I am lying so I need to tell you this. I was involved with Echo up there..."

Clarke's heart shattered, but she didn't show it. She didn't show any emotion. She didn't want him to know that this bothered her. Why did it bother her? He thought she was dead. He didn't know any better. It's not his fault. We all have needs and Echo was there for him. But why did this hurt so much... like Echo walked right up to her and grabbed her heart and ripped it directly from her chest?

"It's fine Bellamy. You didn't know."

Clarke began to stand up and walk away when Bellamy suddenly grabbed her wrist. "It's not fine, Clarke. I know you. You don't run away from things so why are you doing it now?"

"Because you are the one thing that makes me vulnerable and I can't have that right now. We are on the brink of a war Bellamy. Love is weakness." Bellamy starred at her. She could tell those words hurt him.

"We can't do this now so forget that it happened, okay?" She took his hand off her wrist and walked away. Tears rolled down her eyes but she quickly wiped them away before anyone saw. She headed straight to her cot and crawled in with Madi and drifted to sleep. Clarke didn't need this right now. War was upon them after 6 years. She needed a clear mind for tomorrow. 

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