Chapter 35 - I'll Kill You Myself

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Bellamy and Clarke stood there in an embrace. The rest of the world didn't matter at this point. They were safe in each other's arms. Bellamy reached down to kiss the top of Clarke's head as he held her. Once Clarke realized what had happened, she snapped back to reality. "Madi!" Clarke yelled. Madi came running over to her and Bellamy, and was met with the same embrace. Now, Clarke felt complete.

"It won't be long until the rest of the people on this ship figure out what has happened, so we need to move quickly." Bellamy said. "We need to find the guards and get them out of here."

"We won't be able to just walk around this place without being noticed. What are we going to do?" Clarke said as she looked to Bellamy.

"We take him." Bellamy said as he looked down to see August, still unconscious, on the ground beneath them. "We will use him as a hostage."

Clarke looked to August. She knew there would be no other choice. Her people - Bellamy and Madi - came first. 

"Alright." Clarke said. "Go strip the guards of anything that would be useful. I'll get the rope they had on us and get August ready to move. Madi, go stand over there and hide in case anyone else comes in."

Madi and Bellamy nodded and all three of them went to do their jobs. Bellamy walked over to the guards and picked through both of their pocket getting a set of keys, key cards, a couple of knifes, and a small pistol. Clarke took the rope and wrapped it around August's hands and used a smaller rope as a gag. 

Bellamy walked over to Madi who was still holding the huge rifle in the corner. "Here" he said as he handed her the small pistol in exchange for the rifle. "This looks to be more of your size" he said with a smile. Madi smiled back and took the gun. Bellamy felt a sense of relief knowing all three of them at least had something to protect themselves with. He walked over to Clarke and handed her one of the knifes he found. She smiled and stuck it in her boot. Clarke continued to tie August up. "Bell - help me get him up." Bellamy walked over and helped Clarke get August on his feet. Once August was up right, he started to wake up. He looked around the room and begun to panic once he realized his hands were tied behind his back. He looked to Clarke and tried to yell but then also realized he had rope in his mouth. Clarke got as close to his face as she could and whispered "try anything - I'll kill you myself." August said nothing.

"Come on" Bellamy said. Clarke nodded and looked back to Madi. Madi ran over to them and stood beside Bellamy. "Stay behind me the whole time, okay?" Bellamy said as he looked down the Madi. She nodded and the group opened the door to walk out into the hallway with August following. 

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