Chapter 25 - My Love For You

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Bellamy began walking towards the camp but ended up sprinting. He needed to find Clarke immediately.

He searched through the crowd of people that had flooded in from the bunker. He saw his sister and ran to her.

"Clarke - where is Clarke?" he said to Octavia, frantically.

"Bell, what's wrong?"

"I need to find Clarke" he said, almost yelling.

Octavia nodded. "I think I saw her go to get the rover out behind the hu-"

Before Octavia could finish, Bellamy took off sprinting towards the rover.

He walked around the hut and saw Clarke uncovering the rover.

"Clarke" he said in a stern voice.

Before she could react, Bellamy grabbed Clarke and pushed her back up against the rover. He had one hand on her waist pushing her, and the other hand on the back of her neck. He looked in her eyes, they were the same perfect blue eyes she had the day he left. Clarke didn't speak - she didn't know what to say. Suddenly Bellamy kissed her. It was the most passionate kiss either of them had experienced. It seemed to last forever. It was the kind of kiss that made you forget where you are. It was the kind of kiss that made you loose your breath. 

Clarke reacted and began kissing him back even harder. She had missed Bellamy so much - and now that they knew about one another's feelings, neither of them wanted to let the other go. After what seemed like forever, Bellamy broke the kiss, but still had his hands on Clarke. He placed his forehead against Clarke's while still looking at her. He then proceeded to whisper "my love for you is not weakness".

Clarke's knees felt like they would give out from under her if she didn't have the rover behind her for support. Bellamy looked serious. No laugh. No smirk. He loved her and wanted to make sure she knew it. They both starred at each other for a moment in silence. Bellamy thought she had got the hint and walked away, leaving Clarke still leaning on the rover. 

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