Chapter 31 - Superior

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Clarke followed the men down the hall way into a room that wasn't far from Bellamy's. She wondered why they didn't try harder to separate them. When Clarke was pushed into the room, she was tied to a chair and left there for a few hours it seemed. The room was dark with no windows so Clarke couldn't tell how much time was passing. She felt weak from not eating and from the pushing and shoving she had received since being caught. Through all the pain though, the only thing on her mind was Madi. Where was she? 

Clarke managed to fall asleep in her chair. Being alone on Earth for all this time meant she had plenty of opportunity to sleep. She wasn't use to being on the go 24/7 again so her energy levels were still adjusting. Clarke began to dream. She could see Madi, her mom, and Bellamy. All of the people she cared for the most. All were being taken from her, and she was useless against it. Clarke was startled out of her dreaming when the door to her room slammed open. In walked August with two guards.

"Where is she?!" Clarke yelled.

August smiled and snapped his fingers. A guard came into the room and behind him stood Madi. She was tied and gagged, just like Clarke. Her face had been beaten. Clarke's blood was boiling at the sight of her. They hurt her. Clarke would not stop until she killed them all.

"YOU HURT HER!" Clarke yelled. She was unable to get up from the chair but she tried her hardest. Clarke continued yelling until she lost her breath.


As soon as Bellamy heard Clarke, he tried his hardest to get up. He knew something was wrong and he felt helpless. He heard Clarke yell "you hurt her" and he knew that they put them close together for this reason. August wanted Bellamy to hear them.


"Are you done yet?" August said, smiling of course.

"I haven't even gotten started" Clarke spat. "What do you want?"

"I want information, Clarke. You see, we considered your offer... living among your people, but then we realized - why? Why would we do that when we are obviously superior over you... I mean we are native to this land. We were born here. You people came from space. And although your people that you set free from that bunker were born here too, they are nothing but inbred cavemen. We are the superior kind and we will take over." August said.

"So what - you just want to kill us all and start the human race all over with your people? You don't have enough to do that. Your killing us all!" Clarke yelled back. She was furious. "If you were going to kill us all, why take Madi?"

"Because I knew you would come running Clarke. Although all of your friends and your family will die, we wanted to keep you around. Seeing as you are the most superior of your people, we believe you would be the best chance to make superior offspring." August said. He moved closer to Clarke and she felt disgusted. 

"So you are keeping me alive so I can help you repopulate?!" 

Clarke felt scared - but she didn't dare show it. Madi began to cry behind the guard and Clarke noticed. "It's okay Madi. Don't cry".


Bellamy felt sick to his stomach when he heard August's plan. The thought of someone touching Clarke made his heart hurt. He had to get out of here and get to her.


August moved closer to Clarke and brushed his hand against her cheek.

"Don't tell me you haven't thought about it Clarke... settling down. Starting a family. I saw the way you looked at me at the bunker entrance. I'm a man Clarke. A man with needs. You are the best choice for a superior race -"

Before August could finish, Clarke had gotten her right leg loose and brought it up to kick August in the groin. August fell to the ground in pain. One of the guards walked over to Clarke and held a gun to her temple. Clarke looked up at the man and smiled. "Go ahead. You won't do it. You heard the man, he needs me."   

August raised a hand and the guard lowered his weapon. He stood up on his feet and brushed his pants off. He walked over by Clarke's side and moved his mouth to her ear. "Just for that, I'll start with Bellamy."

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