chapter 48

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** 1 week later **
Beth's POV
          We get off the jet and head towards the taxis. Jace links our hands and says 'back to reality.'~ I nod. We get inside a taxi and drive back to our apartment. I open the door and see Jace's parents in the living room with the twins. We set our suitcases near the door and head towards them. Scott hands me Henri and I whisper 'hey little man, did you miss mommy and daddy?' Henri smiles and holds out his tiny hands. Nina walks over to Jace and whispers something into his ear.~they go into another room.~ I furrow my eyebrows and set Henri in his crib and pick up Kendall. I hold her in my arms and walk over to my computer. I FaceTime Kendall and she says 'BETHERS! Is that baby Kendall?'~ I nod and say 'yeah, we just got home. The flight was so long.'~ I hear the door open and see Jace's parents leave. I set Kendall in her crib and head to the kitchen. I open the fridge and feel my body turn around. I pull out a cup of wine and say 'yes? Jace.' Jace says 'I have some bad news.'
            I look at him and say 'about what?' Jace brushes a piece of my hair behind my ear and whispers 'about you.' I look past him and say 'about me?' Jace brings me into the living room and says 'my mom told me that when we were out some man came asking for you.' I furrow my eyebrows and lean against the counter. I sip on my smoothie and say 'a man? looking for me? That's odd.'~ Jace sighs. I walk past him and say 'what do you want me to say? I'm having an affair or something? Because I'm not if you're assuming?!'
Jace's POV
     I take Beth's hands and say 'no, I'm not assuming anything? I'm just wondering.'~ she rolls her eyes. I give her a death stare and whisper 'I'm not liking that attitude you've been giving everyone lately. You're acting like you have more rights than everyone else! It's f**king selfish!' Beth laughs and says ' I'm not giving anyone a f**king attitude. I'm just stating my opinion. Have you ever heard one?'~ she swings her cup and it spills on the floor. She smiles and drops the cup.  I let go of her hand and pick up twins. I head upstairs and pack their things. I put them into their car seats and grab my keys. I grab all my things and look at Beth. She looks at me confused and says 'where the f**k are you going?'
      I put everything in the elevator and say 'leaving you. I can't live with someone who can't give up something so small. Someone who is self absorbed. I don't want my children living with someone like that!' Beth starts walking towards me and I hold my hand out. I take off the wedding ring and throw it at her. She catches it and says 'I can't believe you. You can't leave me again. We have something! A family!'~ I roll my eyes and say 'no, we don't. Not anymore. I regret ever asking you to marry me.' I push the button and the doors close. I quickly put the twins in the car and we drive to my parents' house. My parents were surprised to see me but I tell them I'll explain later. I head upstairs to my old room and sit on the bed. I rub my forehead and whisper 'I'm so stupid.'

** 1 year later **
I turn on the T.V and see a picture of someone familiar. I turn up the volume and hear "tonight, we have some disturbing news. Former model and actress; Beth DeMolta or Beth Norman has been missing for 3 weeks and was finally found. Almost unrecognizable. Her family didn't know where she had went. But yesterday she was found in Santa Monica beach.~ dead. Im sad to say " she will be truly missed. She was loved by all." She will be buried this Wednesday at 12 PM. I turn off the T.V and call Beth's family. Nikki's answers "hello?' I breathe in and say 'Nikkie, I'm sorry about Beth. I know we got kinda distant, but I want you to know that I'm here.' Nikkie sniffs and says 'thanks, Jace. You're still family. We're just shocked to hear about her death.'

** the funeral**
      We all stand around the coffin. Rain is pouring down. I hold onto the twins right. They have no idea was is happening. They don't understand they won't be seeing their mom anymore. Kendall begins to cry and I bounce her on my leg. Henri jumps out of my arms and runs up to the coffin and says 'momma.' I pick him up but Kendall jumps out too. They both surround the coffin and say 'i love you momma.' The coffin gets lowered and tears roll down my cheek. I look to my right~ Beth's parents are crying hard they turn around. It begins to rain harder~ it thunders. Everyone begins to walk back to the funeral home. I hand the twins to my parents. I stay behind.
        The grave has been finished. I sit on the grass and whisper 'I'm sorry, Bethany. I wish I was there for you. I never meant to hear you. I really do miss you. I've missed every since I left the apartment. I will always love you.'~ I lay a white rose on her grave.

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