Chapter 26

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** fast forward ** 2 months later
Beth's POV
I get out the car and take Jace's hand. I look up and see Paramount Pictures. I smile and say " Jace...... I'm so proud of you." ~ I squeeze his hand. We go inside and see cast mates from different shows. We all sit in the theater room and Jace whispers " I hope you like it." I laugh and say " I'm not going to like it. I'm gonna love it." The movie starts and it says "RUFUS." I take a picture and put it on snap chat : watch Rufus @7 . Jace and I are in it.🔑 I lock my phone and watch the movie.
** after the movie **
The movie ends and I look over at Jace who was smiling the whole time. I walk in front of him say " babe, that was amazing." ~ I kiss him. He pulls me closer to him and sits me on his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist and says " I'm glad you liked it." Davis come over and say " we're gonna take a group picture." ~ we get up. We take the picture and I post it : so proud of us. 💓 Someone takes my hand and drags me away from the crowd. I look at the person ~ Jace. He smiles at me and says " we're going out."~ I smile. I let go of his hand and I say " wait, I just want to tell Lily something." I walk over to Lily and flip her hair. She turns around says "BETH!" ~ she flings her arms around me. We hug and she says " your movie was amazing!" ~ I blush. I smile and say " stap."
Jace's POV
         Beth comes back and says "ready to go?" ~ I nod. We go outside and get in the car. Beth looks at me and says "so where are you taking me?" " it's a surprise." ~ I give her a peck in the cheek. I speed up and a car comes out of nowhere. I slam my foot on the break and throw my arm in front of Beth. The car stops and look over at Beth who was squeezing my arm.~ a tear rolled down her cheek. I took of my seatbelt and took Beth into my arms. I kissed her forehead and said "everything's gonna be fine."~ Beth nodded. I looked through the window and saw the other car backwards on the other side of the street. I mumbled "damn."
       I pulled out my phone out my phone and called 911. I told them everything and I hung up. I took Beth's hand and kissed it. She looked up at me and gave me a weak smile. I rubbed my thumb on her cheek and whispered "everything's under control. They're gonna check it out. Do you wanna go home?" ~ she nods. I was passing my house when Beth said " get your trunks. We're gonna swim." I backed into my driveway and I ran into my house. I came back with my duffel bag. I got back into the car and threw my bag in the back. We get to Beth's house and we see her mom with her siblings. Beth takes my hand and brings me up to room. She walks into her closet and takes out a bikini. She points to her bathroom and says "you can change in there." 😊
Beth's POV
        I strip my clothes off and put on my bikini. I was pulling up the top when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turn around and smash my lips onto Jace's. We let go and Jace grins. I put my hand on his chest and say "what are you looking at?" " my gorgeous girlfriend." I smile/blush and I grab my towel ,my go pro camera, my phone and my music. We run down the stairs and run to the pool. We throw our towels onto the lounge chairs. I turn on my camera and music starts playing. " HIDE AWAY by DAYA" I say "we're gonna jump together." Jace takes my hand and intertwined them. I yell "GO!" We jump in and I record it. I see Jace's eyes close and open.~ a gorgeous shade of brown.  Jace pulls me closer to and kisses me. We jump up and I feel the air. Jace leans against the wall and says "show me the video." I show him and he says " you look hot." ~ I playfully punch him. I save it and say "I'm gonna post it." I get out and download it to my phone. I post it : swimming with this dork. 😍 @jacenorman7


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