chapter 43

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** 3 days later ** ( January)
Jace's POV
I walk up to the nurse's desk and say 'Bethany Norman.' She types and says 'room 321.'~ I thank her and head upstairs. I open the door and see Beth laying in the bed. I take her hands and she opens her eyes. I kiss her forehead and say 'hey baby, how are you?' She sends me a weak smile and says 'tired.' how is the baby?' I shake my head and whisper 'the doctor hasn't said anything yet.' She puts our hands on top of her stomach and whispers 'I hope you're doing ok in there little man.' We hear a knock on the door and look up- the doctor. He walks up and says 'we did ultra sounds and the baby is fine. You were just having a Ectopic pregnancy. ( A/N that's when you faint) But there's good news; you're having twins!' My eyes widen and I say 'twins?!' I look at Beth who's looking at her stomach. Beth looks up and says 'how come they never told us they were twins?' The doctor says 'well, twins are very protective of each others so you're twins are kind of hugging each which made it look like there was only 1.' The doctor excuses himself and I'm left with Beth.-she looks into my eyes and says ' do you think we can mange 2 kids?' I take her hands and whispers 'of course we can.' - she smiles.

** 1 month later **

Beth's POV

I hear the front door close and look at the clock 2:35 AM. I roll my eyes and hear Jace's footsteps come closer to the room. He enters and I say 'where were you?' He takes off his shoes and says 'I was doing business babe. Don't worry.' I get out of bed and wrap my arms around his neck and say 'how can I trust you?' He leans down and cups my face; he kisses me and it becomes more passionate. He leaves kisses on my neck and he whispers 'I'm not leaving you.' He quickly changes out of his clothes and takes my hand. Jace pulls the covers over us and pulls me closer to him and whispers 'I love you.'

** the morning **

I change into leggings and a hoodie and head downstairs. I see Jace talking on the phone; I sigh. Ever since we got married Jace quit acting and made his own company; which he's more focused on than his family. I grab a cup of coffee and head to the living room. I pull out my phone and see texts from my friend from high school: Dante. I read them and reply: sure, meet me at 12. Jace's arms wrap around me and he says 'morning gorgeous.' I turn around and say 'Mr. Norman.'-he grins. I feel kicks in my stomach and Jace says 'the boys are kicking!'- I laugh. Jace pulls out his phone and says 'gotta go babe. Be safe. Love you.'-he heads out the door. I pull out my laptop and scroll through my Instagram. I scroll all the way to the bottom were I found pictures from high school; Jace and I, my friends. I find one. Dante and I. I read the caption: hoco with this guy! I smile and I instantly remember that I have to meet Dante. I grab my things and get into the car. I drive to this cafe and I see Dante- I wave to at him. He walks up and says 'Beth.... you look great.'- I playfully punch his arm. We enter the cafe and he says 'so how's life been?' 'alright, we found out that we're having twins last month.'- he nods. I continue to tell him things and I say 'Dante, you tell me about your life.' He sighs and says 'after high school, I went to a art school. Then after that I got signed to a modeling company.'

^Dante^ 😍

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^Dante^ 😍

Dante's POV

When I saw Beth, she looked gorgeous. I couldn't help but smile when I told her she looked great and she punched me. Sitting across from her reminded me of high school; when we sat at those round tables with our friends. We finished eating and I asked Beth if she wanted to get ice cream. I took her to one of the places where they fold the ice cream and make it look like a rose. I handed it to her and say 'a rose for a beautiful lady.'-she blushes. I pay and we sit outside. Beth starts to eat and she dabs some ice cream on my nose. I smirk and pull out my phone. I take a video and put it on my story. I wipe the ice cream of my nose and I say 'Beth, who's your husband?' She says 'Jace Norman.' My eyes widen and I say 'you married that guy?!'~she furrows her eyebrows and says 'yes, I did. Why?'
       I shake my head and say 'no reason.'~Beth looks at me and says 'Dante, tell me.' I take her hands and say 'In high school, I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend but then you starting dating Jace. I felt like a lost all chances with you. forever.' I sit up straighter and I say 'but that's in the past; so don't worry about it ok?'~she nods. I feel my phone buzz; manager. 😒. I look up at Beth looking at me. I smile and she laughs. I say 'what's so funny?' "You still look the same from high school. But you just have facial hair and grew way taller." I hold out my hands and say 'what can I say? 😂'

Beth smiles and I instantly fell in love with her again.

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