Chapter 4

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Jace's POV
     I just kissed my best friend. Beth was just sitting there in shock. I asked if she was ok and she said " yea. yea, I wasn't expecting that."
Beth's POV
I just kissed Jace. That was so unexpected. I got up and brushed some sand off my pants and said " wanna go home?" Jace said " sure lets go." ~ Jace jumps up and grabs my hand. I smile/ blush and we start walking along the ocean.  I look over at Jace and see that his hair looks so messy which was cute.
    While we're walking , 2 girls come up to us and say " omg omg. ~ it's Jace and Beth. One of them " can we take a picture with you?" Jace says " sure." After they leave and we start walking again. Then Jace turned to me and said " um.... Beth. I have to say something." I say " what's up." Jace says " well. I kinda had a thing for you ever since 7 grade."
I say " 7th grade?" Jace says " yea. I was gonna ask you out last year but then you started dating Matt." ( 😒 ) I say " really , Jace. You could have told me and I could have told Matt that we weren't  a thing anymore.
While I said that I was playing with my bracelets. Jace said " really , you would do that for me?" I said " yea. Anything for my JaceFace. 😏 Also, I kinda got a crush on you last year. Wow ~ I can't believe that I just said that.
Jace's POV
Wow, Beth had a crush me too. "So are you like sad that you broke up with Matt?" " I was then cause why would he think that ~ "I thought we were a good couple." I said " well, are you going to try to get him back or not?"
      "Nah, not after what he did ~ but I don't need him I have someone else." " Really 😏" " yea . Since I'm not spending my time with him I can spend my time with you." " Sweet." ** maybe I should ask her to be my girlfriend? Or maybe it to early. I'm gonna do it ~ I'm gonna ask Beth to be my girlfriend.
      "Beth?" She turns to me and her hair swirls with her ( 💞 ) . " yea?" " I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend? But if you don't I understand." She just stares at me and then she smiles and says " YESSSS I'LL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND." She jumps up and her cardigan goes up with her.
Beth's POV
      I can't believe Jace is my boyfriend! I'm just freaking out cause I want expecting it. I'm so excited that I kiss Jace again. He smiles and twirls me. When I look where we are I see that we're already at my house. I grab Jace's hand and say " bye JaceFace ☺️" Then I kiss him on the cheek.
        Jace says " bye Bethers. I'll text you." He lets go of my hand and goes to his house. I go inside and head up to my room. While I'm walking down the hall Nicki says " why are you so happy?" I say" um.. fine I'll tell you come here."
       We sit on her bed and I say" Matt and I broke up and I went to Jace's house and we hung out and stuff, then we told each over that we had feelings for each other then...."
        Nicki says " what happened ?" " ............... Jace asked me to be his girlfriend"~ I squeal. Nicki says " omg omg . really that's amazing. what did you say?" " I said " yes, obviously (😒😂)
Jace's POV
      I can't believe Beth is my girlfriend. I'm gonna text her good night.
me: night
Beth 💞 : night .

Author's Note

hey guys.  hope your enjoying the story. ☺️
~ c 👑

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