Chapter 16

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Beth's POV
      I go to the bathroom and fix my makeup. I look at myself and say "perfect" I head back to the room and change into a black dress with heels. I look into the next room and see Jace choosing a shirt. ~ a blue or white. I stand in the doorway and say " hon, hurry up we don't have all day." ( 😂 ) Jace looks over and says" alright mom." He changes and comes out and says " I look goood." ~in his Henry voice. I grab my purse and say " let's go." We get into a taxi and drive to the restaurant : Locanda Verde. We get a table and Jace puts his hand over mine. I smile and see someone familiar behind Jace. My smile fades away and I get nervous. Jace says " babe, w..what's wrong?" ~ he turns around."uhh, nothing." ~ I smile.
** last day in NYC **
Jace's POV
        I wake up and look out the window. ~ I see lots of people walking the streets. I go on my phone and look at the time : 8:49. I get out of bed and fall on the ground. crap. Beth moves in bed and moans. I creep up on her and say "Bethers, wake up." " go away." "fine, then we can't go into the city today." Beth wakes up and says" I'm up, I'm up." ~ she rubs her eyes. I laugh and kiss her forehead. Beth gets out of bed and goes take a shower. I dress up and hop on the bed. I text my friends and tell them about NYC. Right then Beth comes out naked. She sees me and says " dude, no peaking." I laugh and say " but you're beautiful, I can't help it." Beth puts her bra and underwear on and I sneak up behind her.
       I spin her around and pin her on the wall. I look at her and say " Beth, I love you." She smiles and kisses me. We pull apart and Beth finishes dressing up.( A/N clothes up there ^) Beth takes my hand and we leave. I text the DeMoltas and tell them we were going out. We walk to Times Square and ask someone to take a picture of us. I post it and caption : NYC with my girl. 💖 @Beth.demolta. I lock my phone and we go to different stores and buy a few things. We find some fans and take pictures. When we get to the m&m store, I grab Beth's hand and tell her that we need to make m&m' s with our names on them. She nods and we make them. Beth takes a picture of it and puts it on snap chat. We them go to the photo booth and take funny pictures. Beth posts it and captions it : in love with this dork💘 @jacenorman7
** at the airport **
Beth's POV
       We get on the plane and find our seats. Jace and I sit next to each other. I rest my head on his shoulder and say " thanks for coming with me." Jace takes my hand and says " anything for you." I blush and take out my laptop. I post a tweet: go on YouTube and watch 10 days of Bethany DeMolta! I go on FaceTime and call Ella and Riele. She answers and we talk. 2 hours later we end the call and I go on my social medias. I look over at Jace who's watching youtube. I take a picture and tweet it : when your boyfriend supports you.
** 1 month later **
Jace's POV
I get up and change. I go downstairs and see a note : JaceFace,
Went out, call me if you need anything.
I lay down on the couch and go on Snapchat. I take a video : LA can you like chill out. Thanks. Then I take a lighting filter picture. I look at the time and see its 11:50. crap. I get up and call Beth. I ask her to pick me up. She says "I'll be there in 5 minutes." I grab my charger and wait outside. I sit in the steps and wait. I hear a honk and I see Beth. I run up to the car and get in. I peck Beth's lips and say " we're screwed." ( 😂 ) Beth laughs and says "all cause of you." I plug my charger and look behind me. I see the big teddy bear I bought for Beth at the airport. Beth sees me and says " I keep it here for memories."
** later after work ( set ) **
Beth's POV
Jace and I leave the studio and get in the car. I turn the car on and lay in the seat. Jace sighs and says " so, wanna go to Disneyland?" I nod and say " call Lilimar and Rio." Jace calls them and we wish for them outside the studio. Lilimar and Rio come out and get in the car. Lily bounced on the seat and says " hey Bethers." I smile and says " hey Lily." Jace and Rio fist pump and I drive to Disney. We get there and park the car. We pay for the tickets and go inside.
** inside **
When we get there Lily and I see the hat shop. We run over and look at all the eyes. Lily buys cat ears and a goofy hat for Rio. I buy Mickey and Minnie ears for me and Jace. We put them on and take a picture. Jace then asks someone to take a picture of us. We took the picture and went on there rides. While we were waiting for a ride , some guy my age asked me for my number. I ignored him and kept talking to Jace. He asked me again and said " if you don't tell me, I'll force you to tell me." I shook my head and went in the ride. While we were riding our last ride, I saw the same guy again. I turned my head and slapped Jace with my hair. He spit the hair out of his mouth and said " pffff, what the heck." I laughed and said " sorry."
       We got off the ride and walked to Starbucks. We ordered our things and right when I turned around to get my drink the guy who asked me for my number brought me outside and pinned me against the wall. He looked at me and said " you're pretty hot." I closed my eyes and breathed in. I tried to leaves but he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. He started to move his hands to my butt when I punched him. I punched him and he put his hand on his jaw. I flipped my hair and said "don't mess with me ever again." I ran back inside and found Lily, Jace and Rio. I hugged Jace and started crying. Jace hugged me tighter and said " Beth, what's wrong?" I sniff and say " some guy, t...tried to rape me!" Lily pulls me and says " WHAT?!" I nod and say " he pulled me outside." ~ I point.
Lily's POV
       I pull Beth and give her a hug. We hug and I say " I'm really happy you didn't get hurt." Beth laughs and takes Jace's hand. She rests her head on his shooter and says " can we go home?" Jace nods and kisses her forehead. We leave and Jace drops me and Rio at my house. I quickly hug Beth and fist pump Jace. Beth shakes her phone and mouths : text me later. I nod and go inside.
Jace's POV
        I drive home and look over at Beth ~ who was looking out the window. I put my hand on her leg and say " I promise I won't let anyone hurt you." Beth turns to me and gives me a weak smile. I drive into the driveway and we get out. We go into my room and lay in the bed. Beth gets up and says " I still can't believe that guy thought j would give him my number!" ~ she rolls her eyes. I walk up behind up and wrap my arms around her and say " no guy is getting my girl's number." Beth puts her hand on my cheeks and says " I love you." " I love you too."

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