chapter 44

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this picture is the death of me 💓

Jace's POV
     I wait for Beth and see her walking toward the car. She gets in and says 'babe, can you take me back to the apartment?'~ I nod. We pull up at the apartment and Beth gets out. I furrow my eyebrows and pull out of the driveway.
** 2 hours later **
I open the front door and place the basket on the counter. I head to my room and open the door; I see Beth in bed with another man. I walk up to bed and yell 'what the hell are you doing?' Beth scrambles off the man and covers herself. I look at the guy and instantly recognize him; Trent. I walk over to him and slap his face; I look into his eyes and say 'you were my close friend. What the hell were you thinking! Have s*x with my wife?' I give Beth a look and say 'you; you're just a bitch. Do you not know that we're having kids?'~ tears roll down her cheeks. I pull out a suitcase and say 'you're leaving; I don't want you to live here.' I tell Trent to leave. I sit on the edge of the bed and cover my face with my hands. I mumble 'what the hell were you thinking Bethany?' Beth comes closer to me and says 'I didn't mean it Jace.'
I turn to face her and I say 'so what were you doing then? hmm?'~ I get up and say 'I want you out before tomorrow.'
Beth's POV
Jace leaves and I quickly change into my clothes. I throw all my clothes and shoes into the suitcase. I head down the stairs when I hear something break; glass. I look down to the floor and see shattered glass. I look at Jace who's sipping wine. I grab my bag and say 'Bye, Jace.'~ I leave. I get into my car and drive to my parents house. I park in the driveway and lean against the steering wheel.~ I cry. I think 'why do I do the stupidest things. I just ruined my life.' I roll out my suitcase and head inside the house. I hear talking in the kitchen; I walk in. My parents look up and say 'Bethany?'~ I start crying. My mom rushes over to me and brings me to the couch. I put my hand on my stomach and think 'I'm hurting the babies.'
My mom hands me some water and say 'honey, calm down.' I head up to my old room and instantly flashback to when Jace and I were teenagers.' I see pictures stuck against the mirror. I rip them off and look at them. A tear lands on one; the red carpet.
** 2 days later **
         I hear a knock the door and I get up to open it. I look through the window and see Jace. I open the door and say 'what do you want?'~ Jace takes my hands and says 'I'm sorry for kicking you out.' I look into his eyes; they looked so chocolatey. I pull my hands away and say 'bullshit; you were pissed off.' Jace comes closer and leans in. He kisses me and cups my face. It's gets more heated and he whispers 'I love you gorgeous.' We pull apart and I whisper 'I'm sorry for having s*x with another guy.'~ I rest my forehead on his. Jace pulls me into his chest and whispers 'let's just forget that happened. I don't like being angry with you.' I lift my head up and Jace says 'come home with me?'~I nod.

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