Chapter 5

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** 7 weeks later **
Beth's POV
I woke up and saw that my phone has 5 messages from Jace and like 20 notifications from my social media. I saw that Jace texted me : morning beautiful ☺️. ~ I smiled and texted back : morning Jacey. While I was texting Jace, Matt texted me and said "can you meet me at the park at 11?"
       I texted back " sure." I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw that I was getting taller and I bitter skinny. ( not like a stick 😂 ) I grabbed my iron and straightened my hair ~ and curled the bottoms since I also had an audition today.
** 11 am **
        I walked into the park and saw that Matt was standing next to a big tree. I saw that he was talking to another girl and he was holding flowers. I walked up to him and the girl like ran away. Matt turned around and said " oh. Beth, um... I got you these ~ he handed me the flowers."
        Thanks , so what do you want?" "I wanted to sorry for punching you and saying that we were breaking up." I said " well. I wasn't breaking up with you in the first place, I was gonna tell you that I was going to Canada with Jace. And for the punch, you hurt me and I'm only forgiving you for that."  
      Matt said " ok. So did we really break up or what?" " we did break up and I moved on." " oh. " " yea I moved on and I'm dating my best friend."  I looked at my phone and saw that it was almost 12. When I looked up , Matt said " I also got a new girlfriend ~ her name's Jacqueline ( Jackie )." I said "that's great but I have to go." Right when I turned Matt turned me around and kissed me. I pushed him away and said " Matt I told you I moved on. I thought you had a girlfriend." I stomped away and I thought " what if he didn't really move on?" 
** at audition **
        I texted Jace that I was at the audition. I was auditioning for " Manny's Best Friend." ~ Jace was also in the movie. Jace said he was coming in 10 mins. I waited outside the room and sat in a chair. They finally called my name and I went in.
        I came out 15 mins later and I saw Jace sitting in a chair on his phone. I came up to him and said " hey Jacey." Jace said " hey Beth." ~ getting up and kissing me on the cheek. I smiled and said " we have to wait 10 mins."
** 10 mins later **
Jace's POV
      We sat in the waiting room for 10 mins when the lady finally came out. Her name was Debbie. So Debbie said she was excited to say who it was. She smiled and said " the girl who's going to play Paige is...... Bethany DeMonta.
Debbie came up to us and said "congrats Bethany!" Bethany just sat there in shock. I smiled/ jumped up and said " you did it Beth!" Beth shook her head and said " OMG OMG !!" She jumped into my arms and hugged me tight. I kissed her and said " I'm proud of you."
** 30 mins later **
       Beth called her mom to pick us up.  When she picked us up Beth said "mom. I have something to tell you." Her mom said " yes, Beth?" Beth said " you know how I went to that audition." " yea" " well... I GOT THE PART!!" Her mom almost crashed but slowed down and said " really , my girl got the part?!" I said " yes ma'am she did." ~ I smiled and squeezed Beth's hand.
We got to Beth's house and I went inside with her. Inside we went up to her room and sat on her bed. I said " so wanna go somewhere since you got the part?" She said " sure I just gotta get dressed." I said " ok I'll be back in 10 mins."
Beth's POV
I went through my entire closet and didn't find anything. I then remember that I could look through Nicki's closet. I went down the hall and asked her if I could wear something and she said "sure." I ran to her closet and found a white dress.
I quickly went to my room to put it on and I also put on a jacket that was ( military color ) and my black sandals. I looked in the mirror and saw that my hair was a mess since I was running back and forth.
I went to the bathroom and straighten my hair again and curled the bottoms. I put some light makeup on and smiled in the mirror. Right then Jace texted me and said he was outside. I walked downstairs and told my parents I was going out.
They said " ok . But who are going out with?" I totally forgot to tell them I was dating Jace. I opened the door and pulled Jace in and said " we need to tell my parents that we're dating." Jace said " ok, but are you ready?" I said " yea I think." Jace kissed me and said "you'll do fine."
Jace's POV
We walked in and her parents smiled at me and I said " hi Mr and Mrs . DeMonta." They said " hi Jace." Then Beth breathed in and said " mom, dad. We need to tell you something. Um.... Jace and I are" Then just looked at us and said " how long have you two been dating?" I said " 7 weeks."
They said " well. We always knew this day would come. Beth would get a boyfriend ~ first with that Matt boy. We never liked him. But now she's dating you ~ we always knew you guys were meant to be." We both smiled and said " us too."

Authors Note
hey guys . so I'm going to be updating twice a week so I can work on my other story.
~ c 👑

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