Chapter 9

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** that Skype and FaceTime **
Beth's POV
    It's been a week since Jace's been in the hospital. We've all visited him and bought him things. I've avoided Matt, since he keeps showing up when I told him to back off. Today, the cast is coming to see Jace.
** at the studio **
        I walk into the studio and into the lounge. I take out my phone and see lots of posts about Jace. I love seeing that they're supporting him, I feel a tear roll down my cheek but I quickly brush it away. 10 minutes later, Ella and Riele come into the lounge. Riele sits in the big chair and says " Beth.. I got something for Jace." She opens her bag and takes out a teddy bear.
          She hands it over and I take it. I flashback to when me and Jace would play with a bear. I whisper " Mr. Teddy." I smile and say " thanks"  5 minutes later Dan comes in and says " 5 minutes until we have the table read." We all nod and go to the other room. We sit in our seats and start. While we were reading, I kept looking over to Jace's seat.
** after set **
Riele's POV
         We finished the table reads and we finished for the day. Beth came up to us and said " ready to go." We all nod and go outside to wait for her mom. Beth's mom finally comes and we all get in and we drive to the hospital. We got to be hospital and went up to Jace's room. When we got to the door, I heard Beth breathe in and take my hand. We opened the door and we all say Jace laying still.
        Ella gasped and put her hand on her mouth, Sean shook his head. Beth let go and was walking up to Jace. She put the back of her hand on his cheek stroking it. We all heard her say " hey Jacey, we're all here for you." She opened her bag and took out the teddy bear.
         We all told Jace what was happening at the studio and what his fans were saying. An hour later, we left. Before we left we gave Beth a group hug.
Beth's POV
        One hour, Riele, Ella and Sean left and I stayed with Jace. 20 minutes later Jace's family came in. Ms. N said "hi, Beth how you doing?" " ok. I guess, I miss having Jace with me." I saw that Glory was looking at the bear and said "Mr. Teddy, how could we forget you." I laughed and she turned around and said " what ?!" I shook my head and said " nothing."
        Later, Jace's family invited me to dinner.~ I decided to go. We left the hospital and went to a Italian restaurant that my cousins owned. ~ La Durante ( I'm making up the name ) We ate and talked about how the summer's almost over and how Jace and I are going to 10th grade. Also, when Jace would wake up.
** back at the hospital **
          We came back and Jace's family said good night and left. After they left I stayed 10 more minutes. While I was talking to Jace he squeezed my hand again. I smiled and said " I miss you Jace." ~ I leaned in and kissed him. I let go and grabbed my bag. Right when I was heading out the door, I heard a voice. I turned around and heard nothing.
        Someone called my name again, I turned around again and saw Jace struggling to raise his arm. I ran to him and started crying. I cupped his face and said " Jace..... I missed you."~ then I kissed him. He tried to kiss back but he couldn't. He closed his eyes and said " Bethany...... I...I love you." I brushed his hair out of his eyes and said " I love you too."
Jace's POV
         I woke up to someone kissing me. I tried to open my eyes and when I did I saw Beth leaving. I called her but she couldn't hear me. I called her again and she turned around and ran to me. She cupped my face and told me she missed me. She kissed me but, I tried to kiss back but I couldn't. I didn't know where I was. I closed my eyes and remembered what happened before.
** Flashback **
         I climb down the balcony and head home. While I was walking home I saw Matt. I walked passed him and said " hey man." He turned to me and gave me a disguised look.
I was confused and so I kept walking. Right when I was 2 houses away I heard footsteps behind me. I turned and saw Matt.~ he grinned and said " this is for taking my girl." He punched me in the side and my jaw and I punched back and I hit him in the jaw too. He got up and pushed me to the ground and I banged my head on the ground. With that bang I passed out.
** end of flashback **
I opened my eyes and saw Beth talking to someone outside. I could see her waving her hands and storming back in the room. In the room, she said " uggh." I struggled to say " what's wrong?" She just shook her head and came up to me. She said " Jace, I'm so happy you woke up." ~ she smiled. I just love her smile. I smiled back and closed my eyes.
Beth's POV
Matt just came to the hospital. I already told him to back off but he wouldn't no for an answer. He came and said " Beth, I just wanted to know how Jace's doing" I said " Matt, I don't know if you're coming to the hospital just cause I'm here or what. But I'm here for my boyfriend." He just started at me so I snapped my fingers.
He flinched and said " ohh ok." "so leave Matt, I don't Jace to see you." Matt turned and walked away, right when he was walking out the door he yelled " YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MINE ! " I shook my hand and said " bitch 😒 " I went back to the room. Jace struggled to say " what's wrong."
I didn't wanna tell Jace that Matt came, so I said nothing. So I walked up to Jace and said " I'm so happy that you woke up." I smiled and Jace smiled back then he closed his eyes. I took Jace's hand and said " I love you." Then I left..

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