chapter 39

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Jace's POV
We get to the hotel and drop off our things. Beth goes to the balcony and says "it would be amazing to live here."~ I say "it would." I walk up behind Beth and wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder. Beth takes a picture of us and captions it: 💗. I take Beth's hands and look into her eyes; I lift up her chin and we kiss. We pull apart and I take Beth's hand. We leave the hotel and go to the ocean. Beth takes off her shoes and dips her feet in the water. I take out my phone and take a picture of Beth; the views beautiful 😍! I feel a buzz from my phone; a text from Glory. I look at it ;it's a collage of Beth and I ~ a fan edit. I reply; thanks.

They're traveling around for a while. They go to Hawaii, the Bahamas, France and Italy. That's like 3 months.

Beth's POV
We pull up to our apartment and we take the elevator up. I open the front door and I see balloons~ I furrow my eyebrows and look at Jace. I roll our suitcase into the hallway.

^ their apartment ^        I walk into the living room and Nikki comes walking in carrying a baby

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^ their apartment ^
       I walk into the living room and Nikki comes walking in carrying a baby. I cover my mouth and says "NIKKI! You had the baby?!"~ she nods. I look down at the baby and stroke it's cheek. Tears roll down my cheeks; Jace comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist~ he rests his head on my shoulder. I brush away the tears and say "I'm so sorry i wasn't here; Jace and I were traveling." Nikki looks at me and says "Beth, it's fine. She came early. It's not your fault." I breathe out and say "what her name?" ' Mia.'~ I smile. I instantly remember I bought some baby clothes back in Paris. I open my suitcase and take out the clothes. I hand them to Nikki and say "I got them in Paris for Mia." I ask Nikki if I can hold Mia~ she nods. I hold Mia and see that she had Nikki's nose. I see a flash and look up; Jace took a picture of me. I smile at him and say "Jace.. Come here." I ask Nikki to take a picture. I kiss Jace and whisper "one day this will be us."~ he grins.
        I hand Mia back to Nikki. I post the pictures ' so happy we get to be an aunt and uncle to our precious Mia 💗' Nikki grabs her baby bag and says "Owen just texted me; he's downstairs. The whole family's having like a celebration tomorrow; so swing by?" I nod and wave bye to her. I plop down on the couch and say "I can't believe I'm an aunt."~ I laugh. Jace takes my hand and says " in a few years you'll be a mom." 😊 I roll my eyes and say "yea; and you'll be a dad." I move closer to Jace and kiss him." Jace moves me on his lap and says "you'll be a great mom."~ I smile.
Jace's POV
       Beth gets off my lap and says "I'm gonna unpack; tomorrow I have a meeting with Victoria Secret." I get up and say "no, I'll unpack for you. Get your sleep." Beth kisses me and says "thanks babe." She walks to our room. God I love her 💗 I bring all our clothes to the washing machine. I walk into our room and she Beth sleeping.~ I smile. I go into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I come out and see Beth waking up. She rubs her eyes and says "Jace? can you sleep with me?"~ I grin and say "of course; anything for you." I slip into our bed and Beth rests her head on my chest. I grab my phone and take a picture. I post it '💗 my everything'

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