Chapter 13

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Beth's POV
           I wake up and see Jace sleeping next to me. I stroke his cheek and whisper "hey handsome ." Jace moans and says "morning beautiful." I sit up and hold the covers over my body. Jace sits up and snuggles next to me. I rest my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me. Jace looks at me and says "you know what we did?" I nod and look in his eyes. Jace kisses me on the forehead and goes on his phone. I go on my phone and go in Twitter. I tweet : finally 16 👏🏼. Right then Jace tweets on mine : now you can drive me everywhere 😏. I go on snap chat and take a picture of our hands intertwined. I put : turned 16 with the best boyfriend ever 💘
Jace gets out of bed and puts his boxers on. He goes to the bathroom and takes a shower. I put my bra and underwear back on. Right when I was putting my shorts on, arms wrap around my waist. Jace rests his chin on my shoulder. Since he's taller ( by  2 inches) he has to bend down. He whispers " you look beautiful." I smile and turn around. I put my hands on his face and kiss him. We pull apart and Jace says " wanna borrow a sweater?" I nod and he hands me his Coronado sweater. I put it on and grab my phone. We leave his house and drive to mine.
** at Beth's house **
Jace's POV
          When I pull up to Beth's driveway I see a black SUV. I park the car and say " this is your new car?" Beth nods. I grin and say " lucky." Beth opens the car door and takes her bags. She opens the front door and leaves her things in the hall. She finds a note in the kitchen. It says : Hi sweetie,
                 We took Nikki to take her driving test. We're going to the city after to visit your aunt. Call us when you get home. Kisses.
               Love ,
         Beth takes her phone and calls her mom. She comes back 5 minutes later and says " so what do you wanna do?" "um.. there's a festival in LA. Wanna go?" Beth nods and says " I'm gonna call Sean, Riele , Isabela and Lilimar." I nod and text Sean and Riele. They say "ok." Beth says "Lilimar and Isabela are gonna meet us there." Beth grabs her car keys and gets in her car. I sit next to her and she backs out of the driveway. She drives then stops she says " Jace can you drive?" I nod and we switch places. I start driving to Sean's house and Beth calls him. We pick up Sean then Riele.
Riele's POV
           Jace and Beth pick me up in Beth's new car. They look like the perfect couple. Sean and I sit in the middle and take snapchat videos. Jace puts his phone as the music. Isabela calls me and says " hi Riele. Are you with Jace and Beth?" " yea." " can you ask if they can pick me up cause my mom has to go somewhere and I'm still at the studio." " I'll ask." I cover the phone and say " um.. Jace?" " yea." "can you pick up Isabela at the studio?" " uhhh...  (he looks around to see if we're near.) sure we'll be there in like 5 minutes." I go back on the phone and say " yea , we'll be there in like 5 minutes." " ok, thanks ."
** at the studio **
Isabela's POV
          I'm on my phone when I get a text from Beth : we're here. I see a black SUV drive in and the window rolls down and I see Beth waving. I hurry to the car and open the door. I sit next to Sean and see Jace driving. I say " Jace you can drive?" Jace nods and says " I have a permit, plus Beth asked me too."  " oh." I unlock my phone and take a video of Beth dancing to a song. I put it on my story and send it to Beth. I hear the sound and she sees it. She turns to me and says " heyyyy." I laugh.
** at the festival **
          We park the car and see Lilimar  waiting outside. Lilimar comes to us and looks at Beth, Riele and me and says " hey girlies." I smile and say " hey Lily." We enter and see all the rides. Jace points to one and says " we're doing that one." ~ it was a ride that went upside down." Riele says " no way uhh uhh." Beth looks at Riele and says " come on Riele you got to. It looks fun." " fine." We all get on the ride and take out our phones. The ride starts and I record Jace screaming. We get off the ride and go to the hall of mirrors. Jace and Sean are in the front trying to find a way out but they make us get lost. Lily says " guys, I think it's this way." We follow her and find ourselves outside.
** the next day **
Jace's POV
Today was Season 2 premiere of Henry Danger and we have a photo shoot. The cast had to get to the studio early to get ready. I look at my phone and see that Beth texted me 10 minutes ago. : want me to pick you up? I text back : sure. I get out of bed and change into jeans and my gray sweater. I find my vans and put them on. I head downstairs and see my mom on the phone ~ she waves. I make some cereal and go on my phone. I go on Twitter and tweet : Season 2 👏🏼. I turn my phone off but then Beth calls me and says she's outside. I wave at my mom and point to the car. She nods and I grab my phone and go outside.
I get into Beth's car and kiss her on the cheek, she smiles. ~ she was on her phone. She turns her phone off and says " still can't believe Season 2 is today. She starts driving to the studio and I go on my phone.
** at the studio **
Beth's POV
We get to the studio and we head backstage to hair and makeup. I sit in my chair and my hair person ( Leila ) straightens my hair and curls the bottoms. She does my makeup and says " bam done." I look over at Jace who was getting his hair blown. I laugh and take a video. Jace sees me recording so he starts making funny faces. I start laughing and stand up and say " stop Jace. You're gonna make me cry." Leila says " Beth , you need to change now." I nod and change into a stripped crop top and black skirt , also black vans. I came out and I see Jace grin. He comes up to me and says " hey beautiful." I blush. He looks behind me and says "gotta change , I'll be right back."
Jace comes back in a plaid shirt and black jeans. He says " I look goooddd." Dan walks in and says "everyone to the main room. " We all to the main room and see a photographer and his crew. He looks up to us and says " hi I'm Jacob." We all wave and get into our places. Jace takes his Henry pictures and leaves to change into his Kid Danger costume. He comes back and says " watch this." Jacob takes a picture and its Jace doing a grinding  face. He takes a picture of it and tweets it.

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